Chapter 25

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Today Pansy is all over Draco going on about how they shared a kiss last night and she can't wait to go further with him. I want to strangle her with my bare hands.

Draco smirks at me knowing I am very annoyed right now. "I'll come to your room late when they girls aren't there and we can see what happens," he says to Pansy still looking at me, "I mean the other people I have done stuff with have left me unsatisfactory so maybe you can sort that out."

To think I was annoyed a minute ago is an understatement because right now I am fuming. About I don't satisfy him, that's not what he was saying when he cums every time we did stuff.

I whisper lowly at him, "What the fuck you complaining for it's over, had some fun I'll admit but it meant nothing. I have someone better now anyways," I wink at Blaise.

Now it's his turn to be annoyed as he grits his teeth as I wrap my arm in Blaises and he puts his hand on my thigh. Before he can react and do anything with Pansy to annoy me we all get up to go to our first class.

As we stand up I move nearer to Draco to whisper in his ear, "You can do what you want with Pansy I couldn't care less, but we all know that when you are kissing her and touching her you wish it was me." I stand myself up before he can say anything else and see his eyes have darkened.

I then walk off with everyone else to talk to Tracy and Alex, while Draco and Pansy talk to Blaise as Draco has to act like he's not annoyed that we are close cause no one knows about us.

I turn to Tracy, "So Trac, you talking to anyone at the moment?" I ask winking as I seen her with Flint a lot lately and they look very close. Alex pops her head to us from looking behind her at what Pansy is babbling about and gets involved. "Yh go to Tracy tell us about Flint," she wiggles her eyebrows as we all laugh.

Tracy starts to blush, "Me and Flint have been talking a while but I didn't say anything because I didn't know what was going on but we are going to Diagon Alley for a date tonight because it's Friday." She then looks a bit worried, "Shit guys sorry I completely forgot we had plans to go snd see the Weasleys new sweet shop."

We both tell her it's completely fine and that we will bring her some sweets back and she stops worrying and let's us know what to bring back for her. I can't wait to go because I love sweets and chocolate and even though they were in Gryffindor I still like them because they were always pulling pranks.

After are classes I meet Alex who is with Luna to go to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, they seem deep in conversation so I let them finish as Draco, Blaise and Pansy come to talk to me about what I'm doing. I tell them we are going to get sweets and Draco says he's not going because he hates the Weasleys and Pansy offers to stay with him. Blaise agrees to coming and so it's not awkward for Alex I let her know that she can invite Luna if she wants.

Me, Alex, Luna and Blaise leave Draco and Pansy which I am not 100% happy about but I don't show it and head to the shops.

We get a load of stuff to try such as Extendable Ears, a Reusable Hangman, Skiving Snackboxes, and Fred and George's special WonderWitch products, such as; Love Potions, Ten-Second Pimple Vanishers, and Pygmy Puffs. Instead of trying them here we agree to wait to see Tracy because even though some of them are hers to give she would still want to see what ours do.

We go to The Leaky Cauldron for butter bears and decide to head back when it starts to get dark. Alex and Luna talk and me and Blaise talk until we get to the common room and sit down together and all talk.

While we are talking Pansy comes in and sits herself down with us and stares at me for a while which makes all of us stop talking. "What are you looking at Pansy, you have been staring at me for the past 10 minutes, can I help you." She huffs and looks around for a minute and then looks back.

"What's that around your neck, isn't that ring one of Draco's," she says trying to catch me out, the stupid little bitch. Without thinking I bring my hand up to it, "Yeah it is, he gave it to me last year." She gives me a smirk, "But your not talking anymore so why are you wearing it, I'm his girlfriend I should have it." She holds her hand out for me to give it to her.

I look at her hand for a minute about to have a go at her but instead I take a deep breath and remember that she's right we are not talking anymore. "Your right here you go," I take it off and put it in her hand, "you can have it seeing as you his girlfriend," I spit out as someone clears their throat from behind my seat on the couch.

I look behind and see it's Draco, and look back at Pansy and see she is smile to herself. She definitely knew he was there the stupid bitch. I look back at Draco who looks really hurt that I took it off but he quickly overs it up when he sees I am looking at him.

He shakes his head and walks over to Pansy and holds his hand out, "Give it to me," he demands and without another word she passes it to him. He walks back over to me and places it on my lap, "I gave it to you, not Pansy, who is not my girlfriend," he spits while moving to look at her as she squirms in her seat at his stare. "Put it back on and don't take it off again," I don't know why but I listen and put it back on, without another word he leaves us all astonished and makes him way into his room slamming the door behind him.

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