Chapter 18

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Summer is over tomorrow and I will have to go back to Hogwarts. I don't mind it to much because I will be able to see Tracy and Alex, but I am not looking forward to seeing Draco.

Two months ago Voldemort ordered for my mother and myself to go back to are manor as he has important work for me and Draco to do but for now separately to know what we are capable of. Really it didn't matter what we are capable of we have to do what he says or we will be punished.

A few weeks before we left to go back home Draco began to be off with me to the point he was ignoring me all together. I didn't understand why but I am very stubborn so no matter how much I love him I am not going to start being a little bitch and try and get him to feel the same way when he obviously doesn't.

For a while after I got back and during that time I was upset because I still love him but then I started to realise that I am better than that. I just don't understand how he can switch just like that on me.

Anyways today I'm going to Diagon Alley with my mum to get my last few bits for this year. I have to get a new quill and some other things I broke when angry last year. Being a death eater and doing the tasks Voldemort has set for me has really took a toll on me plus I can't even tell Tracy and Alex and we don't keep secrets.

My mother calls me from the living room as I finish up eating my breakfast quickly and then meet her near the fireplace where we Apparated to Diagon Alley. When we get their we go to places like Dark Arts establishments and Apothecary for my bits for this year and as soon as I'm done my mother tell me to get ready to leave as she doesn't like shopping like most mothers and doesn't like talking to people she doesn't count as friends which would be Narcissa and Belletrix.

When we go to Apparate I see Draco walking with his mother but I don't let me mother have the chance to see them otherwise she will want to to have a conversation and I don't want to be near Draco because it will be awkward and I will probably blow at him for being a complete prick.

I hurry her to leave by telling her I have a few things to catch up on before tomorrow and I want to get an early night. She just brush's me off with a wave of the hand and yes yes before she takes my hand and we apparate home.

When I get back I go into my room and do the 'work' I told my mum I had to do. Instead I wrote a letter to Alex because she sent me a letter yesterday and I didn't get time to reply so I am now. I know I'm seeing her tomorrow but it's something to do because I am bored out of my head.

After I have wrote the letter, sealed it and given it to my owl to send off to Alex I go over to my wardrobe to get dressed. I put on my Pyjamas, turn off the light and sit up in my bed with the covers over me getting comfortable. I turn the light on my bedside table and take out my recent book I am reading. I love to read a lot, but I'm not such a big fan of this book as it is about dark magic and spells I need to learn for some jobs Voldemort wants me to do.

Tomorrow is going to be good because as much as I love my mum I'm so bored here because she is busy herself and when I go back I will have less jobs to do for Voldemort because I won't be allowed out of Hogwarts grounds unless we go to Diagon Alley.

Voldemort told me he wants me to go to the dark forest to pick up a parcel from someone, I don't know who but I know where to wait for the them to meet me. I also have to use one of the spells well they are more like curses, I have been learning to get someone to deliver the object to Dumbledore. It is used to get someone to do whatever you want, it's called the Imperius Curse. I won't know what's in the parcel or why it has to be given to Dumbledore until I get a letter from my mum with more information from Voldemort.

I read over the Imperius Curse over and over again until my eyes begin to forcefully shut even with the amount of force I use myself to keep them open. I put my book away and turn my light off and send myself to bed, readying myself for tomorrow and the year to come.

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