Chapter 5

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When I get to them Draco sees me and smiles down at me.

I return the smile.

He then looks up and his smile fades as he jumps from the tree and stalks past me.

As I look around I see he is now facing to face with Harry.

Everyone walks from under the tree next to us to see what is going on.

"Ah, look, it's the champion," Malfoy says to us all. "Got your autographs books? Better get a signature now, because I doubt he's going to be around much longer.

Half the Triwizard champions have died.

How long d'you reckon you're going to last, Potter?" He aggravates him trying to get some kind of reaction.

He chuckles at him, "Why so tense, Potter? My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five! " Everyone laughs from behind Draco while me and Tracy roll are eyes at the childishness.

Before Harry can respond I speak up, "Just leave Harry there is no point in reacting that's all he wants," Harry nods his head knowing I'm right and walks off.

Draco looks at me in announcing and pulls out his wand aiming it at Harry's back obviously annoyed he turned his back on him.

Before I could do anything to stop him Moody comes over and casts a spell at Draco making his wand fly out of his hand. "OH NO, YOU DON'T, SONNY!" He shouts as he turns Draco into a ferret, "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!" Everyone including me starts laughing as he bounces him up and down. "You stinking... cowardly... scummy... back-shooting.." Before he can carry on he is cut off by McGonagall.

"Professor Moody what on earth are you doing you know you are not allowed to use spells on the students." Moody grunts and turns Draco back into himself as he scatters up grabs his wand and runs off.

Blaise and Marcus follow after him laughing along with all of us.

I and the girls walk off to our next class and surprising Pansy comes with us instead of going after Draco.

We do the rest of our classes and then go back to the common rooms.

I didn't see Draco for the rest of the day as he was obviously still embarrassed at what happened earlier so the only time we see him is when we go back to the common room to chill after dinner.

Everyone sits down but there is no space left for me as I walk in last.

I can't even take a chair to sit on because they have all been taken up to one of the boys commons rooms as they are trying a spell with them.

I don't know what one and to be honest, I don't want to know.

I stand up on the side of the sofa rocking on my heels as my legs hurt from walking around all day and now I have to stand some more.

Draco huffs and grabs my wrist swinging me around the sofa and onto his lap. Everyone looks at him weirdly. "She kept rocking on her heels and the noise was annoying me." They all just nod their heads not really convincing but knowing not to say anything else.

Pansy was staring at me with evil eyes but I wasn't really focused on that right now, I was to busy thinking about how I am probably squashing Draco.

I stand up a bit so all my weight is not on his legs so I don't crush him but he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me down onto him. "Why won't you sit properly."

I stutter embarrassed, "I don't want to squash you," he chuckles lowly. "Your perfect," he whispers in my ear as he keeps his arm wrapped around my waist but now his chin is resting on my shoulder.

Everyone speaks for a bit longer.

Pansy still giving me evil glances and I can tell Draco's member pocking out underneath me turning me on.

I keep moving about on his lap secretly trying to make him harder and to lessen the tension in my pants.

Draco kept growling lowly at me at the back of his throat and he kept grabbing my hips to steady me from moving.

This didn't stop me though.

After everyone was ready to go to their rooms I tell the girls I am going to stay and read and Draco goes into his room to wait for me so it doesn't look suspicious.

After everyone had disappeared upstairs and I couldn't see anyone around I go over to Draco's door and push is slightly seeing he has left it open for me.

I go in and close the door behind me as he sits at the end of the bed waiting for me to walk over to him.

As I come up to him and stand between his legs he pulls my face down to his by my tie and plants a small kiss onto my lips before taking my hand, lightly pushing me back so he can stand up and walks me around to the bed.

I lie down as he gets on top of me and starts kissing my neck slowly making me moan. He stops abruptly and looks at me in the eyes, "Now I think it's time for your punishment," I tilt my head to the side with a questionable look.

He chuckles lowly catching my lips again with his for a mere second. "Don't act all clueless darling, you laugh when that stupid Professor turned me into that vermin creature." His eyes go darker, "let's not forget the fact you were grinding on my lap in front of everyone knowing I couldn't do anything about it."

I smirk at him as he pins my arms above my head with one of his big hands.

With the other hand, he pushes up my skirt to my stomach and goes to pull down my underwear when he stops.

He looks up at me again. "Where is your underwear Astrid," I look at him innocently not answering.

He moves his body up to come back on top of me as his hand clasps around my neck as I gasp in shock and much more wet I am from him. "Daddy asked you a question," he tightens his hand a little bit, "Now answer me, darling."

I bite my lip and look into his eyes trying my best to look innocent as his eyes flick from my mouth back to my eyes. "I didn't put any on today, must have forgotten." He lowers his head and breaths heavily. "So you're telling me while you were grinding on me you had nothing on, you don't understand what I would have done to you if I had known."

He looks up at me with a smirk, "let's make up for that now." He lowers his head down to my entrance and slowly blows on it making me gasp again in delight.

He trails his hand form my neck slowly down my stomach pulling up my shirt as he spreads his hand over my stomach holding me down.

For a minute I'm confused at his action but I soon realise why he is doing it as he licks my clit up and down and my back begins to arch as he pushes me back into the bed.

He then inserts a finger and starts increasing the pace with his tongue.

When he takes his hand from my stomach I eagerly try to pull away from him wanting to pull him to me.

Wanting him to fuck me so bad.

Draco has other plans though as he grabs me by the hips pulling me back against his tongue as he looks up to me and I feel him smirk against me as my head falls back in pleasure.

Draco pushes the tip of his tongue inside me and I give up protesting and I grind my hips desperate for more.

I tell him when I'm about to cum but he carries on until I do licking up my juices as the drip out of me.

I lay down flat on the bed as he falls next to me. Both are breathing heavy. "Wasn't such a bad punishment now was it doll," I shake my head no as I pull the covers over us snuggling into his chest.

He kissed me on the forehead and we fall into a peaceful sleep.

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