Chapter 3

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In the morning we had classes as normal so I went back to my dorm not waking up Draco when I left or the girls when I got back in and started to get dressed for the day.

The girls all start waking up as I'm sat at the end of my bed reading a book on dark arts.

"And where we're you last night," Tracy asks me coming to join me on sitting on my bed and I start to panic. "I umm was in the common room reading then I came up when you were all asleep," I come closer to her and whisper so Pansy doesn't hear, "You know I can't concentrate with Parkinson's loud snoring." We both chuckle and so does the new girl in our dorm.

I look over to her and wave, "Hey nice to meet you I'm Astrid," she gives me a small smile, "I'm Alex nice to meet you, Astrid." I get up and link her arm. I walk her to the great hall with us and we all sit down at our table.

I can see a new friendship between me and Alex and I can't wait to get to know her better.

As we are chatting away and eating a piece of paper flies through the air form the Gryffindor table and hits Alex on the back of the head.

As she turns her head to see who threw it, so did I.

I see that it was Seamus Finnigan some guy that loves to blow everything up.

He laughs with his mates at Alex, "Oi is it true you like girls, like you actually fancy girls." She looks down in embarrassment and they all start laughing again.

I hate when people bully others and especially when they take the piss out of who they like as if they can help it.

Really, it's not something to help, there is nothing wrong with it.

I give him a dirty look as he calms down his laughing fit and starts to fidget.

I don't hurt people but everyone knows about my family and we'll they are scared.

Sometimes it's good but most of the time it gets annoying because I don't make many friends because of it or if I do it's because they want protection.

After all, I'm known for sticking up for people I care about.

"Listen Finnigan there is nothing wrong with her liking girls everyone can like who they want.

Don't get upset she gets more girls then you because she is beautiful and well I don't have to say much about you now do I." I laugh at him, "you don't even have eyebrows."

He shuts his mouth and turns around as all his mates' laughter has stopped as well. "Sorry did I say I was finished," he turned back around slowly with a worried look on his face. "Apologies to Alex now, and if I hear you or any of your friends make fun of her again I will deal with you personally.

Do you understand?" They all nod their heads yes and mumble apologies to Alex.

I turn back around to the table and smile at Alex, "You alright yeah," she gives me a small side hug which catches me of the guard at first but I wrap my arms around her after as well. "Thank you so much for sticking up for me."

I chuckle at her, "Of course don't worry about it." She gives me another small smile and we all go back to eating our food.

I look in front of me and see Draco with his arm on the table and his hand under his chin keeping his head up as he watches me.

He gives me a nod letting me know he is impressed at how I stood up for Alex and I start to blush that I have to look away.

After we eat we go to our first lesson in Dark Arts with Professor Snape.

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