Chapter 6

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The next day was the first task of the Triwizard Tournaments.

The Tournament consists of three tasks designed to test the Champion's courage, intelligence, resourcefulness, and magical ability.

The tasks are dangerous and people have died before.

Champions receive marks in each of the tasks from a panel of judges.

Each Champion is supposed to stand alone during the Tournament, receiving no outside help from anyone, including friends and teachers.

As we all sat above to watch the Tournament below I could see a golden dragon egg that was guarded by an actual dragon.

Then out came Cedric with only his wand.

I shouted and cheered for him with everyone else.

He looked around studying us all as if he was looking for someone until his eyes landed on me and he gave me a wink.

I blushed and cheered even louder earning a scoff from Draco.

I pump his shoulder with mine and smile at him.

Then the task began.

The dragon Cedric was against was a Swedish Short-Snout.

He used a Transfiguration spell to change a rock into a dog to distract the dragon.

It was such a good idea that the dragon took the bait, and Cedric went for the Golden egg.

Halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric, and burned his face as I stood up in shook moving forward and looking down to make sure he was okay as Draco grabbed me back into my seat, I gave him a stern look.

I was going to protest about him sitting me back down but my attention was drawn back to Cedric as he finally retrieved the egg, passing the task.

The second was Fleur Delacour, who's Dragon was a Common Welsh Green.

She enchanted the dragon to sleep, but while retrieving the golden egg, the dragon snored and let out a jet of flame that set her skirt alight.

She used a spell to stop the flames, and retrieved her egg.

Viktor Krum was third, his dragon is a  Chinese Fireball.

He used the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon and retrieve his egg.

However, he has docked points when the dragon stumbled around and smashed half of the real eggs.

Lastly was Harry Potter who's Dragon was the Hungarian Horntail which was one of the worst. He used a Summoning Charm to bring his Firebolt broomstick to him, which I actually found to be quite clever as he flew around a bit with the dragon on his tail but after a while managed to manoeuvre past the dragon and retrieve the golden egg.

Harry and Viktor were tied for first place, which I found stupid as Viktor was deducted points. 

Cedric came second yet I thought he should have come first with his brilliant idea of turning the dog into stone but he did get his face burned which is now healed from a spell, and Fleur came last but that was probably because she still got herself caught on fire.

After the tasks, we all went to the great hall for lunch. I went up to Cedric to see how he was not caring about the stares I was getting.

I sat down in the empty seat next to him, everyone sitting near had their eyes browns raised and I just rolled my eyes turning to Cedric who was already looking at me with a smirk.

"I told you I was gonna cheer for you," I told him with a smug look, "I seen what happened to your face, good it wasn't permanent otherwise you wouldn't have anything good about you." I tease as he drapes his arm over my shoulder.

"Oh little Amanor as if you wouldn't love me either way," I stick my tongue out at him childishly with a laugh that he joins in with.

I stay sitting with him a little longer talking about the next task, not missing the glances I was getting from Draco from were he was sitting.

For the next task, Cedric told me the golden egg, from the First Task, contained the clue for the Second Task.

He told me he had to open it underwater because when he opened it normally the egg shrieked and wailed in a loud, high-pitched whine.

It gave him a riddle that he didn't quite get yet but he said he would figure it out.

After lunch, I went to my class at potions.

We were making Amortentia and I prayed to God I didn't get who I think I would. During the class I sat with Alex and Flint while Draco sat at another table with Blaise, I kept looking in his direction but he refused to look my way.

What is his problem I thought to myself as the professor clapped his hands together to get our attention?

"Right now everyone, you are going to take it, in turn, to smell your Amortentia and tell us what you smell," he looks around the room at all of us and stops at Alex. "Aww, Alex comes on now your turn first." She nods her head as she puts her face nearer to the pot.

"I smell strawberries, lavender, sunflowers and dirigible plums," she says while blushing and looking at me. "Luna," she whispers low enough for only mean to hear. I give her a smile and a little nudge.

It's now my turn and Draco is actually looking at me now.

I bend my head down and take a whiff of the potion.

Fuck. I fucking knew I would smell him. Fucking mint, citrus, cologne and green apples.

I can't let him know I smell him so I'm going to have to make up a smell.

I'm just going to have to go with Cedric.

I look away at Draco and to the Professor "I smell ticklish pear, butterscotch, warm musk and vanilla extract." I look back to Draco who looks pissed, to say the least.

I just don't know why.

After a few more people have a go it's Draco's turn. "White grace, cashmeran wood, peppermint and books." I look at him with my mouth open. He did not just describe me.


I must be going mad.

Yes I use white grace bath salts, we use cashmeran wood at home in is fire and are home smells like it at night, I use peppermint toothpaste and I love to read but it could be anyone else right.

Who am I kidding he described me perfectly.

I am so fucked.

Now I feel bad I described Cedric even thought I smelt him but he could be smelling me because we have fucked and not necessarily because he loves me.

He probably hasn't found the girl he loves and that why he is smelling me instead cause we are interment.

Actually, that is probably why I smell him as well because even though I have feels for him doesn't mean I love him and I do kinda like Cedric as well.

I mean I think I like Cedric.

For the rest of the lesson, Draco looks mad but ones again won't look my way.

After class, he leaves abruptly to are common room and I have to run to catch up with his fast pace walking.

I finally get to the common room and as I step inside I just about see him walk into his room.

I look around to make sure no one is here and knock on his door.

No answer.

I try a few more times but there is still no answer.

Fuck this, I take my key out and let myself in.

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