Chapter 4

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After an hour we all get up to go to the great hall for dinner and the announcement of who made it into the Triwizard Tournament.

I heard Fred and George tried a spell to make them older to get behind the line but were pushed away.

I also heard Cedric put his name in and I secretly hope he gets in as he is actually a really nice guy.

As we all take are seats Dumbledore lets us eat for a while before he hushes us all so he can announce who has made it through.

The first name to come out is Viktor Crum, then Fleur Delacour and finally Cedric Diggory.

I knew he would make it.

As he walks out of the hall to another room with the other contestants he looks at me to make sure I'm cheering him which of course I was.

As he winked at me I put my fingers between my lips and whistle joining a few others in congratulating him.

When I look back around I see Draco staring at me weirdly but I brush it off and look back to Dumbledore as he starts to talk more about the Tournament.

All of a sudden a flame builds in the Goblet of fire and out flies another piece of paper with obviously a name on it.

Everyone stares in shock as only 3 names should have been picked not 4.

Everyone gasps in even more shock as Dumbledore announces the name form the paper. "Harry Potter."

Harry stays sat down obviously confused about what was going on and he only gets up when Hermione makes him because Dumbledores now bellowing his name all through the hall making it shake.

When he gets to him they both mumble to each other and he pushes Harry towards the door of the hall's he follows the other contestants.

Everyone murmurs how he is a cheat and that he is too young to participate until we are all hushed and told to return to our common rooms.

The feast is all cleared up and we all head back to our common rooms.

When we get there I decide to stay in my own bed tonight with the girls so they wouldn't be suspicious.

We chat for a bit and I get to know Alex a bit more before we all drift off to sleep.

The next day we have a few classes but when they are done instead of going to the great hall we go outside with everyone else as it is a nice day.

As we walk I see people wearing a badge of Harry's that turns to Cedric obviously people indicating Cedric is better which he obviously is.

Either way if one of them wins are school wins but I would much rather it be Cedric than Harry.

Me and Tracy walk over to Alex and Pansy and Alex's face lights up and her looks revealed she doesn't have to be alone with Pansy anymore.

I chuckle at her as she starts blushing lightly. "How you fitting in Alex, enjoying your classes," I ask her as I and her sit on the bench nearby.

She gives me a small smile, "Yeah I am thank you, I actually wanted to talk to you about something, well rather ask for some advice if that's okay I mean." I give her a smile and nod telling her to go on. "I like this girl but she isn't in Slytherin and I don't know if she likes me back and I also don't want to be judged by everyone in Slytherin and..." I cut her rambling off.

Not in a rude way though.

I hold her hand and make her face me, "Hey, hey calm down it's okay.

Firstly you are beautiful, amazing, kind and intelligent she would be stupid to not like you back and as for everyone, don't worry what they think all that matters is what you and this girl feel for each other and well if you want to care than your friends but really they should support you no matter what. Which I obviously do."

She reaches over and gives me a big hug that catches me of the guard again but I do hug back. I don't hug people I just don't like affection, especially in public.

Well apart from family and say if I was in a relationship.

Alex can be an exception though because she is just so sweet to say no to.

She thanks me and tells me about the girl in Luna Lovegood who is in Ravenclaw and I encourage her to go up and talk to her, maybe telling her how she feels as they are already close and talk a lot.

She nods her head giving me one last hug and goes over to talk to her.

I smile up to the sky with my eyes closed and head tilted back as I let the rays of sun pour over my face. I feel a figure sit next to me and open my eyes looking sideways seeing it is Cedric.

"Hello beautiful what are you doing all alone." I chuckle at him lowly and turn my body to him resting my legs on his.

"Well, I was having some alone time but looks like you have ruined that for me now doesn't it." He looks at me with a smile. "As if you actually mind me coming over and talking to you." I smile at him and shake my head.

"Alright, Diggory how do you feel about the Tournament, you ready." He looks at me proudly, "Of course I am, and I'm definitely going to win. Harry told me the first task is Dragons which at first I was a bit worried about but then I remember I'm amazing and no dragon has anything on me." He wiggles his eyes browns and we both laugh.

We both make small talk until I decide to go over to the girls who are standing under a tree with the boys looking up at Draco while he sits on a branch in the middle of it.

I look over to Cedric again, "I'm gonna go over to my mates but I'll catch up with you later yeah." I give him a small kiss on the cheek as I lift my legs off of him and stand myself up. "Good luck with your first competition I'm sure you will do great. I'll be in the crowd cheering you on."

"You better be Amana," he calls out as I walk of chuckling.

He makes my surname sound so sexy almost as sexy as when Draco says it.

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