Chapter 10

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Today is the Yule ball and I can't wait. Me and the girls are all getting ready to go.

I'm wearing a dark green mermaid dress with small sequins trailing down and it circles around me on the floor.

I picked the colour because it Draco's favourite and the only colours he wears is black and green and I am not going to be wearing a funeral colour to such an important event.

His tie matches the colour of my dress and it was also the least colour I had to convince him on wearing.

Alex wears a royal blue dress that hugs the top of her body and flows down and out around her legs, it has sequins around the top and silk at the bottom.

She looks absolutely beautiful and obviously is going with Luna who is wearing a red dress that matches so nicely with Alex's colour choice of dress.

Tracy is wearing a purple dress that hugs her body and has sequins all over and two small ruffs on the bottom end of her dress of either side.

I don't really understand the reason for the ruffles but either way she looks amazing.

She is going with Flint as friends as that's what they told us but I can see more there.

I bet they end up together.

Pansy Parkinson wore a bright green dress that was absolutely awful. Its quite funny because it's the same colour as a frog and she looks like one.

She told us she is wearing it for Draco because he likes green but even though he does he doesn't like green that bright, as he is a very closed and dark person and doesn't like bright colours.

Plus he is going with me not her so she can piss off with her 'I hope Draco likes my dress, the colours his favourite'.

After we are all dressed we put on are shoes and makeup.

Making sure are shoes and bags match with are dates colour suits and dress apart from Pansy who just wore all green for Draco.

I wore green makeup and my green nails but I got them done a while ago because Draco said he likes the colour of them wrapped around his dick.

When we were all officially ready we make are way downstairs to meet are partners, even Luna is downstairs waiting for Alex.

Your not meant to have other people in each other's common room and especially in Slytherin but she's Alex's date and everyone else was already gone so we let her in.

Everyone is in front of me and when they get downstairs and round the corner they happily walk over to their partners, each of them complimenting each other and then walking out and to the ball.

Finally I walked downstairs and seen Draco standing waiting for me while playing with his tie.

He wears a smart black suits all the time but this one had my breath caught in my throat as it was so much more fancy and made him look even more handsome than he already is.

He strides over to me with a smirk, takes my hand and spins me around to see the fall view of my dress. "You look beautiful, I love the green on you suits you very nicely." I blush at his compliment as he has never called me beautiful before I don't think he has ever gave anyone a compliment before.

He kisses me quickly on the lips still holding my hands and walks me to the ball without another word.

I have nothing else to say either as I am in utter shock by the way he is a being with me and I am so happy what just happened my heart might explode.

When we get there we all sit with everyone at the table as more people come in for the ball.

Before sitting down though me and Draco heard Igor Karkaroff confronted Severus Snape over the fact that their Dark Marks had started to become bolder, although neither me or Draco knew the reason behind it.

We didn't want to ruin the night though so didn't say anything and just kept are thought to ourselves about it knowing deep down it wasn't good for us either as we would still have to get the mark soon.

The contestants had to dance first at the beginning of the ball in the middle of the hall. Harry wore robes of bottle green that actually went well with his eyes and took one of the twins from Gryffindor that I can't remember the names of.

Vicktor brought Hermione who wore a beautiful gown of periwinkle blue and sported a fancy hairstyle. Cedric obviously asked Cho and they did look amazing dancing together.

Fluer took some guy I had no idea who they were though.

The wizarding band The Weird Sisters played.

A feast was held as part of the ball, in which both goulash and stew were served.

Several snack tables were set up as well, featuring decorations that represented both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

After the contestants had finished the first dance everyone else was allowed to come onto the dance floor and dance along with them.

The first dance for all of us was a slow dance and Draco took my hand pulling me up to dance with him which shocked everyone at the table.

Everyone came up with us though with their partners and Pansy grabbed some random guy and kept dancing near me and Draco obviously trying to make him jealous.

He didn't take any notice of her though and just kept his whole focus on me as we looked into each others eyes the whole time dancing.

After the first slow dance the rest of the dances were all fast pace and up beat which everyone got more excited about.

I didn't mind if but was a bit bummed cause I enjoyed slow dancing with Draco.

I assumed Draco would keep dancing with me even though it wasn't a slow song anymore but Snape called him over and said a few words and after that he hadn't spoke to me since.

Bit weird but hey Draco does have his mood swings.

Hopefully he will be fine later so we can dance some more.

How wrong I was though, oh he danced but not with me he decided to let Pansy pull him onto the dance floor and move her dirty hands all over him.

She wouldn't stop glancing over at me either to make sure I was watching, all I wanted to do was kick her frog face.

Draco kept looking over at me as well and I couldn't understand why he was dancing with her because he didn't look at all pleased to have her near him.

Blaise then came over to me and asked to dance as I was sitting down alone for a while now.

We danced next to Draco and Pansy and Draco could now not keep his eyes off me and I ran my hands all over Blaise to make him jealous.

Obviously not to be to sluty because there are still teachers here and it's still my school.

After a dance and a half Draco walks past us, grabs my hand and drags me to the nearest toilet.

When we get inside I sit on the side of the sink and roll my eyes at him as he stands in front of me looking extremely pissed.

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