Chapter 27

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The next day I wake up to a hickey on my neck and cover it up straight away with makeup so no one sees it. When I get downstairs to where everyone is though Draco comes closer to me as if he is going to kiss me but instead he rubs him finger on my neck and looks extremely pissed.

I don't understand at first what was going on until he bends down to my ear, "Don't cover up my mark, I want everyone to know you are mine," he demands as my breath hitches and he places a small kiss on my cheek as he leans back up and walks to class everyone else. I can't help but smile as everything is going back to normal.

Today is the day the Death Eaters use the Vanishing Cabinet to get into Hogwarts where Draco will have to complete him last task. He won't tell me what it is because he doesn't want me to worry but I care to much that I plan on following him when he leaves to do it.

So after our classes when I see Draco walking off from us I decide to follow him. He turns around a few times as if he can sense my presents but I'm to quick at hiding that he doesn't realise I am following him.

He goes to Dumbledores office which I find very weird but I follow him inside. He goes up to the top of the tower where Dumbledores is but I wait at the bottom to see what is going on without being noticed. Suddenly I hear someone moving from the shadows and see Harry Potter.

"What are you doing here Potter?" I ask him curiously, "I could ask you the same thing Amana," he asks smiling as I give him a little smile of my own as we don't have a problem with each other. We then hear Draco taking to Dumbledore.

"Good evening, Draco," We hear Dumbledore say. Draco steps forwards, glancing around quickly to check that he and Dumbledore were alone. His eyes fell upon the second broom. "Who else is here?" He asks sorry in his voice.

Dumbledore answers with a question instead of an answer, "A question I might ask you. Or are you acting alone?" We see Draco's pale eyes shift back to Dumbledore in the greenish glare of the Mark. "No," he said. "I've got back-up. There are Death Eaters here in your school tonight." Harry gasps quietly from beside me but I don't make a noise because I already knew which makes him look at me in astonishment.

He explains to Dumbledore how he fixed the Vanishing Cabinet but doesn't mention I helped him which I appreciate as Harry is right next to me and could cast a spell at me at any time.

Dumbledore moves forward to Draco, "Draco, you are not a killer." Draco moves back away from Dumbledore, "How do you know?" said Draco at once. He seemed to realise how childish the words had sounded; as Harry smirks as Draco flushes in the Mark's greenish light. I could cast a spell on him right about now myself.

Dumbledore explains that he knew that everything that happened, all the tasks he did for Voldemort was him but he knows he didn't have an option.

Dumbledore goes to move forward again but I see him hesitate because Draco will only move back again. "My dear boy, let us have no more pretence about that. If you were going to kill me, you would have done it when you first Disarmed me, you would not have stopped for this pleasant chat about ways and means."

Draco shakes his head in frustration, "I haven't got any options, I've got to do it, hell kill me. He'll kill my whole family. He will kill her," Dumbledore nods his head in and understanding way because he knows how Voldemort can be possessive and what he will do to get his way.

Draco turns around to a sound from below and looks like he is about to be sick. I can tell he can't bring himself to kill himself but he doesn't have much of a choice when in comes 4 Death Eaters that I remember from meetings.

The one in charge is obviously Bellatrix who is obsessed with Voldemort and does literally everything he says. She hops up and down and comes closer to her nephew, "We've got orders Draco you must do it now Draco, and quickly." She instructs.

Harry goes to move from beside me obviously wanting to do something to stop Dumbledore from being killed. I place my hand on his shoulder and stop him from moving as if he does he will most definitely be killed before he can even do anything.

Harry goes to protest but then we hear another voice speak. When we both look up we see it's Snape, he must have come in when we weren't looking.

Dumbledore mumbles, "Severus," as if he is asking silently for help because he knows what is to come for him. I could tell the sound frightened Harry as he has never heard Dumbledore so venerable before, no one has. It did shock me a lot as well I was just better at hiding it because I had Draco on my mind right now.

Snape said nothing, but walked forwards and pushed Malfoy roughly out of the way. Snape gazed for a moment at Dumbledore, and there was revulsion and hatred etched in the harsh lines of his face. "Severus, please" Dumbledore pleads to him.
Snape raised his wand and pointed it directly at Dumbledore. "Avada Kedavra" he shouts as a jet of green light shot from the end of Snape's wand and hits Dumbledore squarely in the chest.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock and look to see Harry silently standing in horror, being forced to watch as Dumbledore was blasted into the air and fell through the window of the tower. I can't help but feel sorry for Harry because I know he was close to Dumbledore.

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