Chapter 13

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Today is the last task, task 3. We all go to the quidditch filed where a big massive enchanted maze has been placed by Dumbledore with a spell. Opposite the entrance of the maze in a semicircle is benches where we all sat.

The Third Task is to navigate their way around the maze to find the Triwizard Cup which Professor Moody placed in the centre. Snape called on me and Draco last night to meet him in the dark arts room to tell us some important news about Voldemort.

Apparently Moody is actually Barty Crouch Jr who is using Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself so he could be able to place the Cup which he enchanted to be a Portkey that would be activated by touch.

Cedric and Harry are tyed for first place after the other two tasks, so they enter the maze first followed by Viktor, and then Fleur. The first Champion to successfully navigate the maze and reach the Cup would be declared the winner.

Using magic there is a deep voice coming from within the maze telling us what is happening within. During the task, Cedric encountered a Blast-Ended Skrewt, which he barely escaped from. Harry had to deal with a Boggart in the form of a Dementor, and overcame an odd golden mist which turned things upside-down.

Even though we had the voice telling us what was going on Crouch Jr, however, was leaving nothing to chance. Using Moody's magical eye, he watched events unfold in the maze, keeping the more dangerous obstacles out of Harry's path so he could win and get to the cup as the port key was made for him.

He also Stunned Fleur, and placed the Imperius Curse on Viktor. He used Viktor to attack Cedric with the Cruciatus Curse in order to clear Harry's path to the Cup.

Harry encountered the Blast-Ended Skrewt that had attacked Cedric, then heard Cedric being tortured, and rescued him by Stunning Viktor. Cedric and Harry ran opposite directions as this isn't a group thing and they have to do this by themselves. Harry had to answer a riddle from a sphinx to continue on into the maze.

Cedric and Harry made their way back to each other and defeat an Acromantula together, before they both arrived at the Cup together. After an argument over who deserved to win more, they decided to take the Cup together, since it would still be a Hogwarts victory. Everyone was told they both won.

Most of Slytherins didn't show a lot of emotion though because they are not one of us and the other schools were happy for them winning but not happy they didn't win themselves.

Everyone chatted away while waiting for them to make their way back to the entrance to greet everyone but no one apart from me, Draco, Snape and Barty knew that touching the Cup would transport them somewhere else. The only bad thing was it transported both of them and it was only suppose to be Harry.

I started to worry a bit because it is dangerous and I still care for Cedric. I hope nothing happens to him because he means a lot to me and is one of my closest friends and I don't have a lot of them. Draco can see I am worried and is obviously not happy about how I feel towards Cedric but he holds my hand to show he is here for me.

Not long after, Harry flys through the entrance holding onto Cedric, everyone cheers for them but they stay on the floor and everyone dies down their cheering. It's then everyone realised that Harry is crying and Cedric is just laying there not moving. OMG he is dead. The tears start to pour from my eyes without warning as everyone else starts to realise what has happened.

I turn to Draco and latch my arms around him crushing my face into his chest as I get tears all over his suit. He doesn't seem to mind though as he slowly rubs my back and hugs me tightly. I could hear the cry's of everyone else, Cho losing her boyfriend must be really hard for her but for his dad it must be worse. Over everyone's cries you can hear his dads bellowing moans at the loss of his only son.

I just can't believe one of my best friends is gone forever and I knew what was happening and didn't warn him or anyone. I know I couldn't have but I just wish I could have. How am I meant to go and get the dark mark done and stand in front of Voldemort when he is the cause of my friends death.

I have to become one of the people that goes around killing people, who kill people I care about. My friend has died and my father died because of Voldemort. I just wish I had a choice.

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