Chapter 23

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It's been a few days since the incident me and Draco haven't spoken so I didn't know if he meant what he said about sorting it out and I didn't want to ask because I would look desperate. If I die at least I will die with dignity.

My owl suddenly flys through the window of the common room and drops me a letter before flying away. I open the letter and read it quietly to myself as everyone else carries on talking about the new teacher we now have called Umbridge who just loved us Slytherins as we hated all the other house as much as she did. Well most of us did anyways I don't mind some of the people from the other houses. No one must ever know I feel that way though.

The letter is from my mother informing me the Voldemort was very annoyed at what I made of the task and was going to punish me exceedingly but after having a talk with Draco he is having second thoughts as their is a better more fun away to get the job done.

I look over to Draco who automatically knows who the letters from and what it says and he nods his head. I give him a small smile because even though I don't like him he still saved me and I owe him.

I'll thank him properly later right now I can breath at the fact I am going to live to see another day. What has Draco got himself into though I don't know but I'll find out.

I tuck the letter into my bag and leave with everyone else to my classes but walk behind to Draco so I can hold him back for a minute to talk. "Thank you, I don't know what you did or said but Voldemort is letting me off the hook so thank you," he doesn't say anything and just nods his head about to leave again but I catch his hand.

"What is it you have to for him?" I ask but stop when I realise I am still holding his hand and quickly let go while shuffling my feet. "My uh mother said you have to do a task for him now." He examines his hand I was holding for a minute as if it's on fire.

After what feels like forever he looks back up to me and I follow his gaze so ours meet, "Nothing really, a small thing, I need help with part of it actually well Voldemort said you will need to help me with part of it to make up for your mistake." I don't say anything and just nod my head.

This time when he goes to leave I let him. Why did he look at his hand like that, is my touch really that bad now because he didn't seem to mind it before. He is definitely going to go and wash it now, I think like a mad women before I shake it off and head to class myself.

On my way to class Snape catches me and summons me into a near by classroom. I am definitely getting a detention for being late for class and walking to corridors when I'm not meant to. I sit on a chair near to where he stands himself when we get into the room.

"Are you okay," he asks me as I sit there in shock just nodding my head yes, not knowing what to say.

"Good, I heard what happened with Voldermort, you should be much more careful next time, he could have killed you for that." He says while rubbing his index finger and thumb on his head in frustration.

We speak a bit more and he writes me a slip for my class so I can explain why I'm 20 mins late because I was already 5 because of my conversation with Draco.

Snape worrying and making sure I'm okay is odd for someone like him and does always take me back but because him and my mother are basically a thing he has to care. My mother loves my father very much but she gets lonely and my father would want her to move on and be happy so that is what she is doing.

Snape is a Death Eater yes but he is a very nice guy and I secretly think he is on Dumbledores side for some reason but I could be completely wrong. He also makes my mother really happy so I'm glad they found each other just as long as no one from Hogwarts knows about them it's is all okay. If anyone finds out I will lose my reputation and I'm not having that.

I get to class just as everyone is casting a new spell and I hand my teacher the slip. They tell me to go and take a seat and try and master the spell and the genius I am I manage to do it first try while some others are still struggling. I look around to see how everyone else is getting along when I catch Draco's eyes as he nods at me with a slight grin as I blush and look down. What the fuck was that about.

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