Chapter Twenty Six

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"Why do you keep ignoring all your calls?" Michael asked me. The two of us were seated at the couch staring at the TV. Nothing was on, so we settled for the news.

"I'm well aware who is trying to call me and I don't want to talk to them."

It was two different people trying to call me actually. This happened every few months. Aunt Kelly being the first person. Anna being the second.

Aunt Kelly would call from time to time. I was never sure what for, because I would never answer. I'm assuming to simply check up on me and ask me to come home. However, when I wouldn't answer she would ask Anna to call. I knew she asked, or demanded, her to because the only time Anna called was after Aunt Kelly.

"At least turn your phone off then, it's driving me insane," Michael muttered.

I sighed and picked my phone up. Before I could hold in the lock button someone else was calling me.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered to myself. I didn't know this number and was seriously debating if I should answer or not. It could be my family.

"Hello?" I asked hesitantly.

"Hi. Is this uh, is this Crash?"

"Yeah. Who is this?"

"I'm the manager over at Ollie's. Do you think you would be able to come by for an interview?"

My mood instantly lifted and a smile broke out on my face. "Of course! When should I come by?"

"Whenever you can. Now would work actually."

"Okay," I said, jumping up. "I'll be there soon."

I sprinted to my room, sliding across the wooden floors. Michael was yelling after me, wanting to know what was going on.

"I have an interview," I told him as I ran past and towards the door. "I'll be back later."


"Well Crash, I think having you here would be fantastic. What do you say?" The manager, Corey, asked.

"I'd love to."


Corey then went into detail about everything and we worked out a work schedule for me. I would have to call at my old job and put in my two weeks. Corey told me that wasn't a problem and it could easily be worked around.

"So we'll see you soon," Corey said smiling.

"I look forward to it."

I headed out of Ollie's with a huge smile plastered to my face. I knew Luke was working an headed towards the music store. He was restocking shelves. I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder.

"Can I help you- oh hey babe."

"Hello," I said in a cheerful tone. I rocked back and forth on my feet.

Luke raised his eyebrows. "You're in a good mood."

"Of course I am," I said following him through the store. He began to put shirts that fell on the ground back on their hangers. "After all, I did just get a job at Ollie's."

Luke turned around to look at me, smiling. "Did you really?"

I nodded. "I start in a few days."

"That's awesome," he said pulling me in for a hug. "We should go and celebrate tonight. This is the perfect excuse to get wasted."

I laughed, knowing that he worked late tonight. "You're an idiot."

He simply shrugged, not seeming to care. I shook my head at him.

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