Chapter Two

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"Hey Crash, can you give me a hand?"

I groaned. "Why am I always the one to help you dye your hair? Don't you know that True Life is on?"

"If you help me I'll bring you out for breakfast," Michael said from the bathroom. I don't think I ever got off that couch faster in my life.

"What color did you have in mind?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning against the doorframe. Michael stripped off his shirt and wrapped a towel around him. He's dyed his hair so many times now I don't understand why he needed help.

"I was thinking a bright blue would look cool," he said opening the box of dye. His hair was currently a white blond color.

"What's your natural hair color?" I asked sitting on the edge of the tub. Michael put the dye in his hair before sitting on the toilet. I took the box from him, it said to leave it in for thirty minutes.

"I honestly don't know," he chuckled. "Is that bad?"

I shrugged. I never dyed my hair, but I always wanted to. Michael constantly pestered me about it and said I would look good with red or purple hair. But something about my natural dirty blonde hair made me want to keep it.

"This thirty minutes better go by fast," I muttered, mostly to myself. "I'm starving."


For now Michael was satisfied with his hair color. It would probably be some other ridiculous color in two weeks tops. Whenever I lost Michael in public I always looked for his hair so I could find him again, it was kind of nice.

"Don't you want creamer or something for that?" He asked watching me drink my coffee. His nose was slightly scrunched up in disgust.

I shook my head. "I like my coffee black, like my soul."

"You're a weird one Crash," he chuckled taking a sip of his orange juice.

The waitress brought out our breakfast. I ordered hash browns, and a ham and cheese omelette. Michael got pancakes, bacon, fruit, two eggs, and toast. I stole a piece of bacon from him.

"Oh hey!" He said with a mouth full of food. I glanced up at him before turning my attention back to the ketchup I was putting on my hash browns.

"Ash and I are heading to this record store today. They're having this huge ass sale apparently on instruments and shit. Wanna come?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

Michael was my best friend. He was the very first person I met when I came out here, shortly after him I met Ashton. The three of us instantly clicked.

The two of them were really into music. I loved listening to music, but that was pretty much it. I couldn't play any instruments, write songs, or read music sheets like they could. Michael played the guitar and Ashton the drums. They both had decent voices too. I was their number one fan.

"Before we head over there we should stop at the gas station," I told Michael as he paid. "I need a large black coffee to get me through the day."


"I don't know how the hell you can drink that stuff," Michael muttered as I finished off the rest of my coffee. I always drank it black, something about the bitter taste was welcoming.

"This place is packed!" I said as we got close to the store. People were crowded outside, I didn't even want to know what the inside looked like.

"See Ashton anywhere?"

"Nope," I said looking around. "Just listen for his giggle. Or maybe stand on top of a table and he will see your hair."

Michael was about to take my advice, so I quickly pulled him down. Sarcasm didn't go over well with him.

"I think I see him," Michael said suddenly pushing his way through the crowd. I wasn't expecting him to move so quickly and easily through the crowd. But Michael is at least six foot and I'm barely five foot three.

"Michael!" I groaned out not seeing him anywhere. I couldn't see much of anything. I sighed and began to push through the crowd myself, hoping to find him or Ashton.

The closer I got to the store the louder the music was and the closer people were. Being short sure did have its downfalls and I hated it. Why couldn't I magically grow like four inches over night?

"Excuse me," I said loudly as I continued to push through everyone. Either all of these people didn't hear me or they were being complete asses and refusing to move.

Someone backed up into me and I tripped over their foot. I stumbled forward and crashed right into someone else's back, smacking my forehead.

"Fuck," I muttered standing upright. "I'm sorry, I tripped and-"

I abruptly stopped talking when the person I ran into turned around. He was tall. Really tall. I had to tilt my head way back to look at him.

"No problem, this place is pretty crowded," he told me.

I couldn't stop staring at him. He had a pretty face. Then again, a lot of people in California did. His blond hair was styled up into a perfect quiff. It looked so soft and I had the strong urge to run my hand through it. His eyes were a startling blue color. The brightest and most beautiful color of blue I've ever seen.

"Um..right," I said lamely feeling my face get hot. I wasn't sure if it was because of the heat and how crowded it was, or because I was talking to this gorgeous stranger.

He chuckled and bit down on his lower lip. I got a flash of his perfect white teeth. Upon biting down on his lower lip I became distracted by the lip ring in the left corner of his mouth. I distractedly bit down on my lip too, mesmerized by that piece of metal.

"Did you hear me?" His voice rang out.

"What?" I asked looking back up into his eyes. God, this guy probably thought I was an idiot.

He gave me a small smile, hiding his perfect teeth from view. "I asked for your name."

"Oh," I said feeling like an even bigger idiot. "I'm Crash."

He looked at my funny, eyebrows pulling together. "Crash?" He asked. I nodded.

He went from confusion to amusement in a matter of seconds. "So tell me, how did you acquire that name?"

I gave him a devilish grin. "Because everything in my life seems to crash and burn."

A/N: heyyyyyy,  hope you liked this chapter. Sorry they've all been kinda short.
I had a blast on Halloween last night, I dressed up as captain America and now I'm spending all of today watching supernatural.

Thanks for reading!

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