Chapter Nine

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"This place is really creepy," Luke said looking around. I watched as he scrunched his nose up and his eyebrows pulled together.

"Trust me, I know," I sighed wiping the counter off.

It was a Wednesday afternoon and this place was dead. We haven't gotten costumers for a few hours now. I spent my time cleaning tables over and over, sweeping, and washing windows, until Luke randomly showed up.

He told me he bumped into Michael upon looking for me and Michael told him where I worked.

"Why don't you apply for somewhere else?" He suggested.

"I really should. Maybe I'll come and work at the music place with you."

Luke smiled at me. It took me until now to realize that he had dimples. They weren't nearly as deep as Ashton's, but they were still adorable.

"I don't know, you don't seem punk rock enough to work there."

"Oh really?" I questioned tossing my rag aside.

Luke leaned over the counter, closer to me. I got lost into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes really," he whispered to me. I held onto the counter for support, my knees going weak. I wasn't used to guys making me feel like this. I wasn't used to this at all.

"Well," I said propping my elbows on the counter. "I think that-"

"Crash!" My boss hollered from the kitchen. I jumped away from Luke, banging my shin in the process.

"What?" I called back through gritted teeth. My shin was really throbbing and would be bruised by tomorrow for sure.

"Take the trash out, it's by the back door."

I sighed. I wasn't entirely sure how I was the one to be put on garbage duty, but I didn't like it.

"I'll be right back," I muttered. "Don't steal anything."

I heard Luke stand up and noticed he began to follow me. I didn't question it. Heaving one of the garbage bags up and over my shoulder I headed towards the back door. The commotion behind me made me turn around.

"What are you doing?" I asked Luke.

He had the other garbage bag over his shoulder. "These things probably weigh as much as you do. And I figured if I'm going to bother you at work I might as well help out."

"You should come and bother me more often then," I said heaving the plastic bag into the dumpster. Luke did the same.

"Oh really?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows. "Why's that?"

I could feel myself beginning to blush. I definitely wasn't used to this. The only guys that ever flirted with me were Michael and Ashton, and I knew they were just joking around.

"Because, you're not creepy and help me take out the trash," I told him walking into the break room to wash my hands.

Luke stood next to me. He stood closer than he needed to, but I wasn't complaining. I ran my hands under the warm water and suddenly Luke's hands were joining mine.

"You have small hands," he said suddenly taking mine in his. It felt like my heart stopped.

Luke's hands engulfed mine, which wasn't hard. My hands were small, like Luke said. As he inspected and played with my fingers I felt like I was going to collapse. It seemed like there was an electric current running through us, and I'm not sure how I felt about it.

I cleared my throat and took my hands away from Luke, drying them on a nearby towel.

"I should get back to work," I whispered before quickly leaving the break room.


Luke didn't stay for my entire shift, but that was probably a good thing. With him around I wouldn't have gotten anything done.

I opened the front door to the apartment. Michael and Ashton were both sitting on the couch playing a video game.

"Hey loser," Ashton said not tearing his eyes away from the TV.

"Hey," I said walking into the kitchen. I pulled out two pieces of leftover pizza.

"No!" I heard Michael yell at the game. I rolled my eyes, he did this every time he played. "That fucking bastard!"

I leaned against the doorframe, watching them for a bit. I had no clue what they were playing. I was never a big fan of video games.

"You're going to pay for that fucker," Michael muttered.

"You do know they can't hear you right?" I questioned finishing the rest of my pizza.

"Shut up Crash."

I rolled my eyes and headed to my bedroom. The boys would be playing the stupid game for awhile. I plopped down on my bed and took my phone out of my pocket, staring at it.

I had Luke's number and was tempted to text him. But what would I say? I didn't have anything important to ask him or anything relevant to talk about. I simply enjoyed talking to him.

His blue eyes were so capturing. No one else's eyes could ever compare to his. And that damn lip ring..

I sighed and flopped back onto my bed.

{Luke's POV}

"Just ask her out on a date. It's not that hard dude," Calum told me.

Calum has been my best friend for years. We bought this house together and split all the bills. As dumb as that may sound, it's been working pretty well. He just got home from work, the grocery store, and I instantly questioned him on what I should do.

"You don't get it," I groaned from my spot on the floor.

"Why's that?"

I looked over at him. He was still in his work uniform and was currently eating a sub.

"She's just different. I don't know how to explain it. I don't even know her real name for crying out loud!"

There was something about Crash that drew me in. She was a mystery and I felt like I was losing myself trying to figure her out. There were so many questions I needed answers to and so many things I wanted to know.

"I don't know dude. I feel like any chick that goes by the name Crash and lives with a guy who has blue hair is bad news."

"You don't get it Cal!" I complained.

"You already told me that."

I rolled my eyes. This conversation was going no where. Usually Calum gave me good advice and always helped me with my girl problems. Maybe Crash was just too big of a mystery for even his help. Maybe I had to figure this one out on my own.

"Why don't you invite her and Maxwell over some time," he suggested.

"It's Michael."

"Does it really matter? Just invite them, or just her, over sometime."


Calum groaned. "Do I need to draw you a fucking picture? So you can get to know her, stupid! And if she seemed hesitant to that invite Michael over too and say we could all just hang out or whatever."

A smile began to grow on my face. "You're a genius Cal!" I called to him as he headed to the shower. He simply nodded his head, as if this was something he already knew.

A/N: ayye chapter nine. This one kind of sucks and I'm sorry for that. Also I know Luke's POV was really random, but I needed to make the chapter longer ok.

lol at Crash's height and tiny hands because idk what that's like. Long legs for the win over here.

Thanks for reading!

You guys should also check out my new story called Cop Car

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