Chapter Six

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"Order up! Come on Crash, you're slacking," the cook said. I grumbled some profanities as I took the tray of food to the waiting costumers.

I worked at this run down burger joint. I'm not exaggerating when I say run down either. It's an old brick building that's falling apart. It has all the original electrical and kitchen appliances. I still haven't figured out why people come and eat here.

After I served the family of four their food I began to wipe down some booths and throw away any excessive trash. I sighed as I walked past that family. It must be nice to have a whole family, happy and loving.


"What!" I yelled rolling my eyes.

The owner of this place, and also the cook, gave me a cold look. But I knew no matter what I did he wouldn't fire me. I was one of his best employees.

"Can you go and clean the bathrooms for me," he asked.

I groaned. "Why don't you make Jessie or Max do it."

He stared at me. "Because I asked you to."

"Fine," I mumbled. "But if any of the orders get messed up don't complain to me."


The bathrooms here were disgusting. It didn't matter how many times they were cleaned, they would still remain dirty and smell horrible.

"I need a new job," I muttered to myself as I mopped the floor. I should of just straight up poured bleach all over the place.

After I mopped the floor, wiped the sinks and mirrors off and cleaned the toilets in both bathrooms, did I finally take the trash out.

The warm California air greeted me. The sun shone brightly and not a single cloud was in the sky. I heaved the trash bags into the dumpsters and stood there for a moment.

Was this what I was really doing with my life?

I moved here a year ago and this shitty dead end job was all I had to show for it? I made two friends along the way as also learned that sushi is the most disgusting thing on the planet, next to the bathrooms here. But that was it.

Maybe it was because I was afraid. I was afraid to put my life out there in fear that it would come crumbling down once more. I still had nightmares frequently. The gunshots, the screams, the blood. So much blood.

I shuddered, despite the heat and headed back inside.


"Can we do something fun please," I sighed as I tossed another piece of popcorn at Ashton. He caught it in his mouth, which made twelve in a row.

"Like what?"

I shrugged. "Anything but sitting around. Despite how awesome it is to watch you catch popcorn like some kind of circus animal." I threw another piece and he caught it.

"We could drive around for a bit I guess," Ashton said running a hand through his hair. "When does Michael get done working?"

"Not until eleven. I'm not waiting that long to do something." Michael was a manager at a nearby gas station. It paid really well and he got a discount every time he got gas.

"Well let's go drive around then," Ashton said standing up. I was quick to follow him out the door.


"We live in California for crying out loud! Why are our lives so boring?" I complained and began to fiddle with the radio in Ashton's car.

"Your life is boring," he corrected me. "I think mine is pretty entertaining."

"Yeah yeah," I said rolling my eyes.

Out of the three of us Ashton was the one who was doing the best. His apartment was on the nicer side of the city. He had a pretty decent car that didn't sound like it was about to die, and he had a nice job. He was a waiter at this fancy restaurant. Michael and I always said we would go and visit while he's working. But:

1.) Michael and I aren't very fancy and sophisticated people.
2.) There's no way in hell we could ever afford to eat there.

"Why are you even friends with us?" I asked him picking at my chipping off black nail polish.

"I was friends with Michael for years," he said. "But becoming friends with you was kind of forced upon me."

"You love me though," I said giving him a cheeky grin.

He giggled. "Whatever gets you through the night Crash."


"Are we really doing this right now?" Ashton asked jogging to catch up to me.

I shrugged. "Why not?"

"Well for starters we don't even know who's house this is."

I stopped walking. "Do you think the owner of this house even knows half of the people here? Come on Ash, live a little."

My earlier thoughts while I was at work had completely vanished. I did that a lot; was torn on what to do. One moment I just wanted to lock myself away from society and cry, then the next I wanted to be the life of the party, drinking away my problems.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," he muttered as I opened the front door to the stranger's house.

As we were driving around I could hear music in the distance. I made Ashton follow it until it led us to this house. Cars lined both sides of the streets and it was definitely a big ass party going on. I haven't been to a party in ages.

"Stay close to me please," Ashton shouted as we pushed through the mass of people. Both him and Michael were very protective over me. It was kind of comforting to have that in my life.

"I want some beer," I said looking up at Ashton.

"When don't you?" He asked. I giggled and tried to find the kitchen.

Being only nineteen I couldn't buy my own alcohol. None of us could. That's why whenever there was a party with it I always over indulged.

"Cheers," I said handing Ashton a cup. We touched cups and some beer sloshed onto the floor.

"Cheers," Ashton repeated.

A/N: I feel like this story is pretty boring. I have things planned out, but I can't use them until the end of the story..

If anyone has any suggestions let me know!

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