Chapter Thirteen

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"Don't answer it!" I whisper yelled at Michael from the couch.

"Why?" He groaned, not even bothering to be quiet. "He's knocked on the door five times already today and I know he keeps calling. Why are you ignoring him?"

"I don't know," I whispered. There were three more knocks on the door. "I just..I can't explain it."

I really couldn't explain it. I was never good at relationships, I never have been. I wanted Luke to kiss me, but once he did I felt weird. So naturally, I've been ignoring him. It was pissing Michael off because Luke kept knocking on the door.

"Did he call you fat or something?" Michael asked me. I shook my head.

"Then answer the damn door!"

"I can't!"

Michael rolled his eyes and headed into the kitchen. I wanted to scream and punch a hole in the wall, but I also wanted to cry. The knocking ceased and I assumed that Luke gave up and headed home.

I really did like him, that's what scared me so much. I wasn't used to this. I wasn't used to good things happening to me. The last good thing that happened to me without anything bad happening was moving in with Michael, and that was a long time ago. Ever since then whenever the smallest glimmer of happiness and hope appeared in my life it was later destroyed, smashed into nonexistence. I didn't want that to happen with Luke.

{Luke's POV}

I didn't know what I did to piss Crash off, but I wish I did. I tried to text and call her, I even went over to apartment countless times. I knew her and Michael were home, I could hear them arguing.

please tell me what I did wrong I text her, hoping to get a response.

I sighed as I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I didn't work at all today and had nothing to do. I wanted to spend my day with Crash, but that didn't look like it was going to happen.

I drove to downtown, looking for somewhere to eat. Nothing really appealed to me at the moment, so I settled for a chocolate malt and some fries. I drove around some more after getting my food, no set destination in mind.

The thought of Crash wouldn't leave my mind. When I kissed her she instantly kissed back. The tension that had been building up between us was finally cut. I didn't know how much I wanted to kiss her until my lips were attached to hers. I didn't want to pull away.

Her lips were like oxygen and I needed them to survive.

She pulled at my hair and kept the space between us to a bare minimal. When I slipped my tongue into her mouth she didn't hesitate to meet it with her own.

I wanted to kiss her again and again. But I couldn't. Because she was choosing to ignore me.

I thought it was going well. Crash seemed to be enjoying herself and I was really enjoying myself. That's why I was so confused. What did I do wrong? I didn't say anything stupid. There wasn't much being said between us, just lots of making out.

I groaned in frustration, heading home.


Still nothing from Crash. It was driving me insane. So insane that I actually cleaned the house up a bit and then decided to call my parents. Mom always seemed to have the right answer.

"Maybe she's just shy," she suggested.

I held back a laugh. "She's anything but shy, mom. Trust me."

"I don't know what to tell you sweetie. Just give her some time maybe. This might be something new to her and something that she isn't used to, as weird as that sounds. I'm sure she'll come around eventually."

That was comforting to hear and put me at ease. I smiled as I told mom goodbye and that I loved her. I would have to go and visit her and dad sometime, I haven't been there in awhile.

I wandered back into the den and turned the TV on. It looked like Netflix was going to be my friend for the rest of the night.

A/N: lol this chapter sucked. But there was another Luke's pov so yay.

I go back to school tomorrow and I'm not ready for that at all. There's too many stupid people there..

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