Chapter One

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{1 year ago}

"I said shut the fuck up!" One man yelled at a woman. She was cowering under a table, sobbing hysterically as she held her child close to her.

I scooted closer to my parents. Dad wrapped a protective arm around me and mom while I held my brother close.

This couldn't be happening right now.

"I said give me all the god damn money!" The other man yelled at an employee. I couldn't even bare to look at what was going on. I clung to dad's shirt, hiding my face in his chest. I was doing my best not to cry.

The gun fired and quite a few people screamed, mom being one of them.

"Please stop!" She begged. Her makeup was streaming down her face from her flood of tears. "Please, just let us all go."

"I told you to shut the fuck up lady," one guy said walking closer. He still had his gun cocked and I felt frozen.

"Just let us go," mom whispered again. She tried to stand up. "We don't mean any-"

It seemed like everything moved in slow motion. The gun fired, and mom fell to the ground. Blood quickly pooled around her. It was thick and dark, something I would never forget. Dad's arms were suddenly gone from me and he was on his feet.

He was shot too.


I was in the waiting room with my brother. I couldn't stop crying, and I knew he couldn't either. I stared down at my hands that were stained with my parents blood.

Shortly after my parents were shot the police showed up. They had to pry me off my parents. My hands, face, and clothes were covered in their blood. It almost looked like I was shot too.

"Steven?" I whispered, my voice cracking. He was sitting on the other side of the waiting room. We were the only two in here.

"Steven?" I tried again.

"I don't want to talk right now," he mumbled. He was trying to be secretive about it, but I saw him wiping away tears. I curled up into a ball on my chair, hiding my face so I could cry some more.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" I heard a familiar voice say. I peeked up to see my aunt Kelly and uncle John rushing into the waiting room. My cousin Anna followed close behind.

Uncle John went to comfort my brother while Anna and aunt Kelly rushed to me. I didn't know how much I needed a hug until I felt aunt Kelly's arms wrap around me.

I completely broke down then. The two of us sunk to the ground. Loud obnoxious sobs were ripped from my body as I desperately tried to catch my breath.

"I'm here sweetie," she whispered as she smoothed out my hair. "I'm here."


I felt like a little kid. I was curled up on aunt Kelly's lap, crying silently. I didn't know the human body was capable of producing this many tears.

"Brooks family?"

My head perked up upon hearing my last name. A doctor in blue scrubs gave me a weak smile before walking closer to our little huddle session. Steven finally cracked and came closer to us.

"How are they?" I croaked out.

He just stared at me, and I wanted to throw up. He didn't even have to say it, I could see it in his eyes. His eyes held so much regret and sympathy. I closed my eyes and bit down on my lower quivering lip.

"I'm sorry," he said in a gentle tone. "Unfortunately the bullets hit major arteries and by the time they got here we couldn't stop the bleeding."

Steven was the first one to let out a loud sob. I shuddered, hating the sounds he was making. I blindly walked over to him and pulled his shaking body close to mine. He clung to me tightly, like he used to do to mom. Except he wouldn't be doing that anymore.

"They can't be gone!" He yelled. I gripped his shirt tightly, not really sure what to say.

"They can't be gone!" He yelled louder this time. He tore his body away from mine and sprinted towards the door the doctor came out of.

I sunk to the ground as I watched uncle John and the doctor wrestle my fifteen year old brother to the ground. He was still yelling and cursing as uncle John held him close.


Anna was left to babysit my brother and I as Kelly and John followed a nurse to fill out paperwork.

I looked around the waiting room with my blurry vision. The wallpaper was red and white. The same color red as blood. As the blood that was all over the floor and was staining my hands. The clock ticked loudly, telling me the time was one in the morning.

"I have to get out of here," I said standing up. I felt a little light headed.

"We will be leaving soon," Anna tried to assure me.

I shook my head vigorously. "No. I need to leave. Now. I need to get out of here."

"Paxton-" Anna said also standing up. Thankfully Steven was passed out on the couch.

"No!" I said yelling. She flinched away from me. "You don't get it! You didn't see your parents get fucking shot! I did Anna! I watched them die, and I couldn't do anything about it!"

"Paxton!" She said taking my wrist as I turned to leave.

I yanked my arm away from her. "I'm eighteen and technically an adult. They can't tell me where to go or who to stay with. I'm out of here."

"Where are you going?" She whispered.

I stopped right in front of the door. "Anywhere but here."

And I was gone.

A/N: incase anyone is wondering you pronounce Paxton like "packs tin". It's different, but I like it.

A little dramatic huh? guys should vote and comment like crazy because IT'S MY EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY TODAY! I'm finally legal and can gamble and vote!

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