Chapter 26

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When I saw that Annabeth kamikaze'd to nuke Ares, only one thought flashed through my mind: "WHY IN THE WORLD DID SHE NOT USE ESCAPE POD?" She even promised me that no one else would be left behind. Why would she do something like this, knowing that she could just escape the explosion with one press of a button. Then, the answer popped into my mind. I turned to look at the camera. "WHY DID YOU GUYS VOTE 'F' IN THE COMMENT SECTION? NOW ANNIE IS DEAD AND IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I yelled in disgust. I turned away from the camera and returned to the fictional world.  

Out of nowhere, I heard a loud thump under the deck somewhere. "Please don't say he's actually still alive," I groaned at the thought of it. Following the sound, I walked around until the sound got louder and louder until it led me to the closet. I opened the closet door and a cowardly Noah popped out.

"I can expla-" He tried to say as I punched him square in the face, knocking him unconscious.

I was so mad that I didn't even want to hear a single thing that loser had to say. He had the audacity to hide while Annabeth sacrificed herself. Why did he even come to Camp Half-Blood in the first place? Everything that went wrong was because of him. I wish I could just kill him right where he laid. Or could I? Rage poured into my heart and I drew Katropis with murderous intent. "Shi'Ne!"(Die in Japanese) I screamed as I plunged my blade, aiming for his heart. (I wasn't sure if he even had a heart.) Inches away from his body, my blade bounced against some invisible barrier. I screamed and stabbed over and over again but to no avail.

"Is this the plot armour that every anime/movie/videogame/novel MC has? Why does Noah even have plot armour? He isn't even the main character! Curse you Author!" I cried in disbelief. Tired of everything, I strode up to the deck of the Argo III. I was going to Iris message the guys but heartbroken at the death of my close friend, I simply just typed a message on the Argo's computer and sent it to them. I then strode to the front of the ship and stared into the horizon as the ship slowly made its way to the approaching walls of Camp Jupiter.

An hour later,

The entire Roman legion assembled for her funeral. Since her body could not be recovered, we placed her Yankees cap and the coral pendant that Percy gave her into a coffin. Looking at that pendant reminded me of all the good times Percy and Annabeth had together all those years ago. If only he could be here now... The coffin was put on a chariot and was pulled by Hannibal the elephant in the direction of Minerva's temple. Even though Minerva was still held hostage by Ouranos, we still had to honour Annabeth by cremating her in her divine parent's temple. The rite was held by Praetor Reyna herself.

Spoiler Alert!

(Note: This book takes place before the Trials of Apollo as Jason isn't ded yet. So Reyna hasn't joined the hunters of Artemis yet.)

Upon arriving at the temple, Annabeth's coffin was placed at the centre and a purple shroud was placed over it. We stood in silence, paying respects for the great leader we lost. The strategist, the planner, the architect and the wise one. Annabeth was known by many names but to us, she was our dear friend. My heart ached, I already missed her so much. Then, the coffin was slowly lowered down into the crematorium. Tears welled in my eyes as Annabeth gradually went out of my field of view. Soft sobs could be heard from all over the place. The name Annabeth Chase will always be remembered as a hero.

After the ceremony, Reyna approached me and asked: "So what was it you wanted to discuss with me?"



After witnessing that pathetic Ares perish to two female demigods, I decided I had to do things the old fashioned way again, doing it myself. But this time, I will have more powerful monsters on my side. I can distribute quite a lot of my energy I have saved up from being dormant all those years. I can at least turn a dozen of monsters into fully formed Evolved ones. This is my chance to show how strong I truly am. I never had a chance for battle since I was born until now. (Thanks a lot Kronos) The attack on the demigods will commence in two more days. All of the camps will be attacked simultaneously to isolate them. Poor demigods, all alone by themselves, helpless against the onslaught. I will not give them any mercy. I will slaughter them all and take my place as the rightful ruler of Earth. The Titans and giants may have failed in the past, but I will prevail. 

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