Chapter 17

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(Ok, I made a tiny mistake in Chapter 16, I forgot to make the scene where Noah also finds out about Percy's identity. Let's just pretend I actually made the scene. Thanks guys XD)


The Labyrinth was less sinister now since Daedalus' death. It was believed to have collapsed but Pasiphaë remade the Labyrinth or as she said "breathed life into the labyrinth. She awakened the Labyrinth saying that "it will spread under the skin of the earth once more."

After the incident at the volcano, we headed back to the ship to catch some sleep since Calypso's house was blown up. 

"It's fine, I'm probably not coming back here anymore." Calypso had said bitterly.

I was about to head to bed but I found Calypso in the crow's nest above. I climbed up and joined her there. She seemed down as she stared at her island.

"I'm really sorry about what happened to your house," I said.

"It's fine, I just miss the simpler times in my life. Back then all I had to was work on my house, live a normal life and tend to heroes that landed on my island like you. But I would never trade that life for what I have now like having you guys, being part of something bigger than myself." She said smiling warmly at me.

Her words warmed my heart. I couldn't help agreeing with her as well. I too couldn't go back to my old life. I am who I am for a reason.

"Me too," I replied.


I was glad for Percy being there yesterday, he had helped me to get over my grief about my past. I'm really happy to have him back, his presence gives us a sense of calmness. He was always the strongest among us and he always felt bound to protect us. That's why I along with the others admire him so greatly. I still can't get rid of the feelings I felt for him when he was washed up on my island. Leo helped to reduce those feelings but it has always been there. 

"You love Leo and he loves you too. Don't complicate things." I said to myself.

I put my feelings away and came back to the present. 

"Who's up to stop by the nearest Walmart?" Leo announced while giving me a wink.


After that 'pointless' stop to Walmart to stock up on supplies (mostly just Leo purchasing a hoard of snacks.), we were finally prepared for the Labyrinth.  We entered through the closest entrance. 

"Remember guys, time goes by really quickly down there. It feels like hours but days will actually pass by. Let's go in and get out of there as soon as possible. We need to reforge Percy's sword as fast as possible in order to face this upcoming threat." I said.

I was in charge of navigating the labyrinth as I was a child of Pluto. Underground was where I really shined. 

An hour passed by without anything going on. There was the occasional 'Ow!' as clumsy Leo kept bumping into us and the annoying "Are we there yet?". It felt as if we were going nowhere.

Suddenly, the wall in front of us opened up and revealed the ancient workshop. 

"Yes! You did it, Hazel!" Annabeth exclaimed and gave me a crushing hug. 

We treaded carefully while searching for the forge. There was not much left of the workshop. It was mostly damaged after the destructive fight that Percy told us about. There were many remains of Daedalus' blueprints but it was pointless to bring any of them with us as Annabeth had Daedalus' laptop. We walked around for minutes until Leo shouted "Guys come here! I think I've found something."


It was a cracked symbol of a blacksmith hammer on the wall. There were 2 openings with fire and lightning symbols beside it. We tried putting our hands into those openings but nothing. 

"What if those symbols actually mean we need fire and lightning?" Annabeth suggested.

"Allow me," I said.

I summoned fire in my right hand and shot a ball of fire into the opening with the fire symbol. The moment the fire entered the hole, I felt a strong pull and a continuous stream of fire shot from my right hand. I couldn't stop it or cancel it. I tried to shoot lightning from my left hand into the lightning opening but nothing happened. It was sucking all the elemental energy I had!

"Guys, I can't stop the fire and I can't use any of my other elements. It's taking all I have to power it. Jason, you take the other one." I said.

"With pleasure," Jason replied with a grin.

Jason shot a bright continuous lightning bolt into the opening with the palms of his hand. The combined aura of our elemental energy lit up the room. The white and orange colours emitted from our beam was a spectacular sight and with a massive boom, the blacksmith hammer was filled with our energy. A hidden door which led to a massive stairway opened under the symbol and our energy was returned to us.

"Well, that was different." I finally spoke.

"Yea, it was definitely weird," Jason added.

"It was really beautiful though." the girls said while giggling.

"Ladies first." Nico pointed to the door.

And on that note, Hazel led the way down the stairs. When we reached the end of the stairway, it opened up into a massive room. It was the size of an arena. It seemed it was here since the beginning of the Labyrinth as it was it infected with moss and dust. There were signs of battle that had happened here. There were scorch marks and explosion marks everywhere. We were looking around the room when I spotted another blacksmith symbol above another door. "Guys look!" I pointed. Excitedly, we all rushed towards the door. We were halfway across when I felt the ground shift below us as we accidentally stepped on what seemed to be a massive pressure plate in the centre of the room.


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