Chapter 13

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(Two chapters in two days and their both one thousand words long, aha!)


My battle plan flashed through my mind. I know that Leo and I were the only ones who were immune to lava. We had to protect the rest of the crew. I looked at Leo and he immediately knew what I was thinking and we covered the two angles.

The lava golems punched the lava simultaneously and splashed a wave of lava towards us. I summoned a rock shield to protect my side while Leo threw a metal plate on the ground which expanded into a big metal shield. The golems started punching through our barricades.

"This ain't gonna hold for much longer, we need to kill them, fast," Leo said.

"I might have an idea. Lava cools when it's exposed to air. So you know how lava turns into igneous roc-" Annabeth said.

"This isn't a lecture, just tell me how to kill it." I cut her off.

"Ok fine, just use your wind abilities on in and it won't be able to move anymore," Annabeth answered.

"Everyone hang on!" I shouted.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. I summoned the winds and formed a whirlwind in the volcano. Ash was flying everywhere and our sight was limited. I powered the whirlwind stronger and it was working. Cracks were starting to form on the golems and they were starting to slow down. Then, disaster struck. Leo's metal shield exploded and molten lava poured in.

Everyone screamed. One of the golems stepped in and slammed its fist into Annabeth. Its fist shattered on impact but it made Annabeth fly into my rock wall. I felt bones crack and she started to bleed out. She was in a terrible state as she was battered, burnt and bleeding. I had to end this now. I put my palms together and let loose a mighty explosion of lightning and wind. It blew the golems to bits on impact. 

The smoke cleared and I looked around. Everyone was slightly burnt but was fine except for Annabeth. I could feel her life force draining out of her body.

"Annie, hang in there," Piper said with tears running down her eyes. 

"We need to get her out of here fast. Frank put her on your back and get out. I'll retrieve the sword." I said as Hazel force fed her some ambrosia.

Frank put Annabeth on his shoulder and we started to head out. I ran towards the sword and pulled at it will all my might. It came out of the rock with a satisfying 'schwing' sound. 

"Wait a minute, how did you do that? Who are you?" Calypso asked.

"Less talk, more running," I said quickly.

Then, the walls of the volcano were shaking and rocks starting falling.

"Wh-ats ha-ppening."Hazel muttered in fear.

The ground opened up and a massive claw came out of the chasm. We heard a terrifying roar as a dragon flew out of the chasm. It was another one of those evolved monsters. It had the body, wings and claws of a dragon but it had three heads like Cerberus and had many, many tails with spikes at the end.

"Frank, get Annabeth out, we'll handle this," I shouted.

We all drew our weapons. I had Riptide in one hand and Stormbringer in the other. I held the swords in a crossing snakes stance. Leo placed another thingamajig on the ground which expanded into an automatic crossbow launcher. We charged the beast in glory. It blew waves of fire at us. The rest of us dodged but I charged through the flames and slashed at the beast with Stormbringer. It hit the beast square in the chest but it did nothing and was stopped mid-swing. 

While I was still confused about what had happened, I swung its tail at me and stabbed me in the gut. I grunted in pain. I flew backwards and crashed into the wall. There was a hole in my stomach and it was growing bigger every second. I gulped down a square of ambrosia immediately. I looked around and saw that their attacks weren't doing anything to the beast, not even a scratch. They were all shooting projectiles and slashing wildly but couldn't even penetrate its hide. I looked at Riptide and realization dawned on me. It was formed in the ground with Riptide close to it. So that means only Riptide can penetrate its hide. 

"Everyone just keep it distracted, I got this," I shouted. 

I turned Stormbringer back into ring form. I charged at the beast and it tried to bite me with one of its heads. I slid under it and swung Riptide and its tails and cut off a few. It roared in rage and turned all of its heads to face me. I turned Riptide into pen form and drew back my arm. I threw it as I clicked the pen which made it slowly transform into sword form mid-flight and flew into the beasts open mouth. It opened it up from the inside and I saw my opportunity.

 I drew my bow which was gifted to me by Chaos. It was a recurved bow and was black and red with gold veins embroidered along it. I drew my most precious arrow, the phoenix arrow. I fit it to the string and pulled it back hard. The beast opened its mouths and shot flames at me. At that moment, I let loose my arrow and flames engulfed the arrow which formed the shape of a Phoenix. I flew straight into its mouth but nothing happened. Everyone looked at me in anticipation but still nothing happened. One second later, a wild explosion of flames went off and we were all knocked off our feet as a mushroom cloud formed in the volcano. 

Everyone's clothes were on fire and they started to frantically put them out. I laughed at this but was frozen in shock as I noticed my hood wasn't there anymore.


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