Chapter 19

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A massive figure emerged in front of us. He had an aura that was much stronger than a god. But he didn't have a body. It was a disembodied voice coming from a body of wind. I felt a strange connection to him. As if he was one of the wind spirits I could control with my Aerokinesis.(Its actually one of her abilities, its on Riordan's website.) After my journey with Apollo, I regained my ability to cast magic but I wasn't even close to as powerful as I was. I now could only use my healing abilities, wind manipulation and construction and manipulation of technology. I decided to wait it out before trying to using my Aerokinesis.

"I-t-t, It's him!! It's Oura-nus!" Noah said while whimpering.

"Yes, foolish mortals. It is I, the personification of heaven, the first from the emptiness of Chaos! I am the sky itself!" Ouranos declared with a triumphant grin.

"Bla-bla-bla, get straight to point. You tell us your evil plan then you try to kill us and then we take you down." Leo said dryly.

"Yes, yes, I'm getting to that part. Please shut your insolent mouth or I will crush your puny body." Ouranos replied irritatedly.

"Can't you just suck all the oxygen from our lungs? Or explode us from the inside? Or eve-"

"NO I CAN'T! How many times do people have to ask me this. It would make me too overpowered as a character and I would never be used as a character. As a result, I'm underpowered enough to be used in this fanfiction!" Ouranos said. (Talk about breaking the 4th wall lol.)

"I only can control the wind that isn't in an organism. The wind I use contains my life force. I control it as if it was a part of me." Ouranos explained. So that's why I could feel connected to him.

"Ah makes sense," Percy replied.

"I plan on preventing you from forging that sword, the only weapon that can permanently kill me. Then, I will lay waste to Olympus. Even if you stop me, one of my fellow primordials will take my place and finish what I have started muahahaha." Ouranos said victoriously.

He really did make it seemed hopeless. But I still had my trump card. If I could get us out of here and get the sword done, we could put an end to him. 

"Ok, I'm done with talking, time to kill you all." 

At that moment, all hell broke loose. Percy and Jason broke free from his power, which makes sense as they had control over wind. They dashed towards and sliced at him. Their blades passed right through him. Ouranos didn't even flinch.

"Hahahaha, you dumb fools, I am the wind! How are you supposed to cut wind? Maybe I should just let you waste your time to forge that weapon and try to kill me." Ouranos chuckled.

"Of course guys! The only way to kill the sky is Global Warming!" Leo joked.

"LEO NOT NOW!!" Piper yelled.

Then Percy and Jason channelled their lightning energy and sent a massive bolt of lightning towards Ouranos. 

"Another mistake mortals, I have divine power over the weather, which means I control lightning as well!" Ouranos said.

He reflected the bolt straight back at them. Percy couldn't react fast enough to make a wall so he crossed his arms to block the lightning. It sent into the wall, denting it.

Then, suddenly, Percy disappeared and vapour travelled behind Ouranos. He sent a wall of flame towards Ouranos. Ouranos having no control over fire, sent a giant gust of wind to blow the flames away. The flames dissipated but Percy wasn't there anymore, it was a distraction! Percy was in the air, inches away from Ouranos and bringing his sword down on his head.

As if he could read my mind, Percy shouted: "Calypso now!"

I stretched my hand towards Ouranos and used my Aerokinesis. His wind form disappeared, leaving him exposed in his true form. Ouranos managed to stop the sword from slicing him from the head by moving out of the way, but the sword cleanly cut into his shoulder. Enraged, he put his hands around Percy's neck, choked the air out of him and yeeted him across the room. Ouranos with the sword stuck in his shoulder wasn't bleeding at all!

"Foolish demigod, you may able to cut me, but I don't sustain any damage at all. Only that *pointing to the forge that Leo was still heating up* can harm me. Looks like you can interrupt my wind form, so I have to kill you first." Ouranos declared. He looked at Stormbringer which was stuck in his shoulder. "Mine." He said as he absorbed it and changed back into his wind form, wielding Stormbringer in wind form in his right hand.

Ouranos increased the wind pressure, now we couldn't move at all. He slowly made his way towards me. Before he could even get close, Percy and Leo screamed: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Percy unleashed a massive whirlwind of water and sent it towards Ouranos. Leo exploded in flames and sent an inferno of flames towards Ouranos. Ouranos put his hand out to sent all of it back. Then, the fire and water merged in the air, forming a tornado of blue and orange. Ouranos sent a hurricane back it but the tornado penetrated right through it and blasted Ouranos through the wall. It kept going until the tornado died down. Ouranos was buried several kilometres away. 

The weight on our backs vanished and we could finally stand up. 

"Now's our chance! We have to run! We are no match against him." Hazel said.

"Not without the sword," I replied grimly.

"The sword is gonna take at least one more hour to forge, the metal just started to melt," Nico added.

"Guys, you already know how this ends. I have to do this." Leo muttered.

"No, I'll stay with you," Percy argued.

"The death of a flame, he and his lover shall part, it all makes sense now doesn't it," Leo said smiling sadly.

"No, you can't. I won't let. Leo please." I pleaded, my eyes already watering.

"I have to babe, this is my destiny, take care of her Percy," Leo said, kissing me on the cheek.

"I will, I promise," Percy said gravely.

"Bye sunshine," Leo said to me with a final smile.


 I had to do this. I had already escaped the clutches of death once already, there's no physician's cure this time to bring me back. If I'm going out, I'm going in a blaze of glory. A very triggered Ouranos emerged from the perfectly sized human-shaped hole in the wall.

"You will pay for that demigod, I will make you watch as I slowly tear your friends apart. You will fear me." Ouranos said.

"Ok Boomer, but it ain't happening. No one is gonna die today, except me." I said with a spark of fire in my eyes.

"What?" Ouranos replied with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Flame On!!!" I shouted as I went beyond my limit. The flames that I summoned now were blue in colour. Even Ouranos was struggling to keep his form, the flames was superheating the air, making it difficult for him to control it. The ingots in the forge finally melted and were finally merging with the sword. "Run!!!" I shouted. I turned up the heat, there was no coming back, I went into supernova mode. I unleashed everything I had inside me. It felt as if my organs were melting. So this is what it feels like being burnt alive. The room started collapsing as everything start to melt. Ouranos couldn't stand it anymore, his wind form was glitching around. He started to flee the room. "You have not seen the last of me, your sacrifice is in vain you poor demigod." He said. "You forgot about something then," I said as I looked at the forge behind. 

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Ouranos screamed and ran towards me as fast as he could.

I thrust out my right hand and unleashed the sun as I felt the life drain out of me.

Percy Jackson, Master Of The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now