Chapter 10

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I was playing some Titanfall 2 with Jason in the gaming room when we heard the conch horn blow three times. We heaved a great sigh and got up from our seats. 

"See you in battle bro," I said. He fist-bumped me and we went to get ready for the upcoming battle.

Camp Half-Blood Hill,

There was a great number of monsters approaching camp steadily. They outnumbered us 5 to 1. This was going to be a hard battle. 

I shouted: " For Olympus!" Everyone cheered and we charged into battle. I flicked my wrist and Stormbringer appeared in my right hand. I led the charge and we destroyed all the monsters that came in our way. I summoned lightning strikes, fiery explosions, hurricanes and small earthquakes around the battle.

"Things are going my way for once." I muttered.

Suddenly, the ground shook and a dark figure rose from the ground. It was some kind of monster with horns and was covered in black and red armour and held a wicked looking sword. It let out a guttural scream which radiated fear. It charged into our ranks and started swinging its sword like a madman. It maimed half-blood after half-blood. Everyone started backing away from the beast that stood in front of us.

Guess I spoke too soon. I rushed the beast and I threw a trident of ice which caught the beast off guard. Then, I slashed Stormbringer across its chest which left a nasty gash. It bellowed in rage and kicked me square in the chest with its hoof. I flew very far away and slammed into a big boulder. The boulder shattered on impact. I saw the beast dashing towards me and it plunged one of its horns into my stomach. I screamed in pain. It felt like a celestial bronze sword was embedded in me. I was dangling from its horn and it kept running. I was losing a lot of blood quickly and I had to do something. I channelled all the elements into my left hand. It was glowing rainbow light and I slammed my hand into its face.

Both of us was launched in two opposite directions. I was dazed and I stood up. I saw in writhing on the ground and it had a missing horn but it was getting back on its feet. I summoned a wave and rode it on land. I threw the wave at the beast which stunned it for a moment. I channelled my earth powers and willed the stones on the ground to cover my fist which formed a massive rock fist. Using the amount of energy I had left, I blasted myself towards the beast and punched the beast straight in the chest and it disintegrated. I was drenched in sweat and there was a massive hole in my stomach. I willed the water vapour in the air to seal the hole in my stomach. Suddenly, a very confused Leo ran towards me.

"What the fish was that?" Leo asked.

"I haven't seen anything like that before. It looks like the minotaur but it seems evolved or upgraded." I answered.

"Evolved sounds cool. Let's call them Evolved Monsters." Leo said before dashing off into battle.

I looked around and saw Jason blasting the monster with lightning, Leo running through the enemy's ranks and setting them on fire, the hunters were raining down arrows on the monsters. Even though we had the hunters on our side, the battle was causing lots of casualties on our side. I had to end this fast. I tried something I had never tried before. I placed my hand on the ground and concentrated hard. I summoned every ounce of energy I had left and willed all the elements to surround me. I could feel them swirling around me and then solidifying. I opened my eyes and I was 70 feet off the ground. I looked at myself and I was covered in rocks, obsidian which were tied together by thick vines. I was significantly bigger than the average titan. There was molten lava flowing around the gaps of the rocks and lightning flowing up and down me. I felt water flowing in the centre of my body. 

"Woah! You look like your in a freaking Megazord!" shouted Leo.

"I do, don't I?" I replied with a smirk.

I started stomping towards the monster army. I crushed many of them with my massive feet. I slammed my right hand into the ground and it sent fire, lightning and water crashing into the monsters. The monsters started to target me now. They were moving towards me quickly and launching projectiles at me. I couldn't hold my elemental form for much longer. I put my two hands together and channelled a destructive beam of pure elemental energy. I swept across the battlefield and decimated the remaining monsters. I lost my concentration and my elemental form started to fall apart. My vision was dimming and I fell into the realm of Morpheus. 

Percy Jackson, Master Of The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now