Chapter 20

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"Bye Sunshine," Leo said with a forced smile.

Those were the last words I would ever hear from him.

I ran towards him only to be dragged back by Percy. "LET ME GO!" I screamed with tears flowing freely. "I'm really sorry." He replied as he lifted me off the ground and carried me on his shoulder. I kept fighting and punching even though I knew there was nothing I could do. I watched powerlessly as he went beyond his limit. I could feel the life force draining out of him. I watched, as we got further and further away, the tiny image of Leo growing smaller and smaller, and at the last moment, he looked back at me. Our eyes met at that final moment, time seemed to stop. "I love you." His eyes had said. Then, everything turned white.


After the explosion, we woke up, still inside the labyrinth. There were statues of Hephaestus around us. It seemed we were in a temple of Hephaestus. "He's dead." a voice said. It was Hephaestus. He was sitting on a demolished stone throne. He actually seemed devastated. "WHY DIDN'T HELP IF YOU WERE NEARBY?" Calypso shouted with anguish.

"You heard what my son said, the death of a flame, he and his lover shall part, there's no such thing as thwarting a prophecy sadly, it has only happened once," Hephaestus said, shaking his head.

Calypso opened her mouth for another rebuke but relented in sadness. She fell to the ground in sadness.

"I can't believe he's really gone," Nico said.

"He must have a plan right? He managed to escape the last prophecy, he surely.."

"NO! Just no, don't give me any hope, please. I saw the look in his eyes, he's gone." Calypso replied.

"He didn't have a Physician's Cure this time. Zeus banned Asclepius from creating any more cures." Annabeth replied.

Everyone just stood there in despair. Leo was the joy and laughter of this group. His absence would bring us down.  He was the sun to us. Without him, we were left in the dark. 

"He was my favourite son. He has done so much for the gods, but his life ends just to make this?!" Hephaestus said in anger while pointing to Percy's pocket.

In the midst of the chaos, I didn't even notice Riptide reappearing back into my pocket. I clicked it and it grew to its full size. It had the exact same design of Riptide, with a faint red glow around it. It was the glow of Aether. I shook in anger as I gripped the sword until my knuckles turned pale. I wanted to break it with my bare hands, snapping it in half and turning it into ash.

"He died for this?!" I said in anger as I threw the blade across the room in anger. The blade spun through the air. Suddenly it stopped mid-air. 

"He died forging this sword and you just throw it away as if its nothing? Do not let his sacrifice be in vain." Calypso said as she caught the sword and pushed it into my hands. Then, she fell into my arms. She started weeping uncontrollably. "I'm sor-sorry, I couldn't save him. I wasn't strong enough. If only-" 

"It wasn't your fault," I said as I pulled her into a hug. 

"There was nothing you could do. It's not your fault. The fates made their choice." I comforted her.

"Why are the Fates so cruel. Why are the gods so cruel. Heck, why is this world so cruel." Calypso sobbed.

"The world may be cruel. But I made a promise to Leo. I'll always be here for you." I replied.

"Tha-thanks, Perce.." Calypso said as her hug tightened.

"If you two are done, I have something to say," Hephaestus replied.

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