The Final Battle? (Part 1)

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Hello! It's been a while and I've finally decided to start writing again. So here's a short chapter for you guys!


Things were going well. We were holding our defense positions and we were pushing back the monster army. But every so often, Ouranos would just pick up a random object like a tree and yeet it at us, tumbling us or even crushing some of us. The good news was that the monster army was diminishing rather quickly thanks to our ballista and catapults. We just have to keep holding on till Percy arrives. Any momen-

"I'm bored" A voice boomed and we were all blown a few meters back by a very strong gust of wind. A gap opened between the monster army Ouranos charged through. "Steady!" Frank yelled. Ouranos swung his sword against our frontliners and they were all blown away. He swung yet another wind-induced blow and more of our forces were thrown a distance. Our men were not physically harmed by the blame but that was not Ouranos' intent. He prioritised crowd control over damage and it was effective. Our troops were scattered, bruised and concussed. At this rate, we were not going to last any longer. Spurring into action, Frank, Clarissa and a bunch of the Ares cabinmates appeared from our sides, riding chariots straight at Ouranos. Ouranos drew back his arm to blast them away but the Apollo cabin was quicker sent a volley of arrows toward him, forcing him to reflect the arrows. The Demeter cabin grew roots that grabbed onto him, incapacitating him.  A bunch of automatons made by the Hephaestus cabin advanced and attacked him. The lesser god cabins were slowing him down drastically such as the Hypnos cabin trying to make him fall asleep, resulting in a drowsy old man.

"For Olympus!" Frank roared.

With a roar, we went to the offensive and charged at Ouranos. He was getting pummeled with projectiles that gave us time to close the distance. Golden ichor was dripping from his body which was filled with holes. I had no idea how was still alive. The chariots managed to reach him and gave him a bunch of nasty cuts all over. They turned around and came back for a second blow. The whole camp was almost closing on him. 

We were so close when Ouranos let out a guttural roar and a massive whirlwind enveloped him. 

"Oh no"

The whirlwind exploded and that was the last thing I saw. Everyone and everything was picked up and blasted away. I lay on the ground, my body aching, groaning in pain. I tried to pick myself up but I couldn't move at all. I looked around and there wasn't anyone left standing. There wasn't anything we could do. It was over. 

A figure entered my vision. He calmly strode around the battlefield, examining bodies and piercing them in the chest right after. My heart ached and I saw my comrades getting slaughtered mercilessly. "No-oo" I muttered weakly. Somehow hearing my soft whisper, he paused and made his way to me. "I must say, I appreciate you giving yourself up. I was planning to check all those bodies one by one until I found you. You've saved me a ton of time. I appreciate it. " Ouranos said joyfully. "Now, kindly die." he said as he thrust his blade straight down at me. With the remaining strength I could muster, I lifted my arm and touched the blade with the tip of my fingers, causing it to phase right through me. I heard Percy scream in rage in the distance.

"Heh, still some fight left in you I see... Not for long." Ouranos chattered in amusement and he kicked him right in the face and spat on me. My vision blurred and I felt hot blood trickling down my nose. I desperately tried crawling away but I felt a force on my back. Ouranos planted his foot on my back and raised his sword high in the air. I was going to die alone, wasn't I?


As I was sprinting back to the battlefield, I felt a blast of wind hit me and saw trees and rocks flying everywhere around me. The dust scattered all around me. When the dust cleared, far in the distance, I saw most of the campers lying on the ground. Those that were still conscious were desperately crawling away. At the centre, stood Ouranos over a feminine body with his sword drawn and his back facing me. I dashed across the battlefield to stop him before he drew any more blood. As I drew closer and closer, my heart sank as I realised it was Calypso. Inch by inch, the blade drew nearer to her. I ran as fast as I could but I was too slow. I watched as the blade stabbed right through her. 

"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed in anguish. Noticing my scream, he kicked her corpse in the face and spat on her. In my rage, electricity coursed through my veins and I slammed right into Ouranos, sending him flying. I glanced at Calypso and examined her. She was still alive! There was no stab wound, but she was heavily bruised. "I'll have to ask her how she managed to do that later," I thought to myself as I put my palm on her and healed her with the blessing of Poseidon. Water flowed towards the bruised spots and they magically vanished. "Take a breather," I said to her and turned my attention to the old man who was conveniently taking his time to make his way toward us. Ouranos gave me a smug look and said: "Bravo! Now I can beat her up even more!"

"Try me," I muttered with deadly intent.

I summoned my blades and lit them with a ghostly flame. I willed electricity to surge through my veins. I slammed my foot into the ground and surrounded us in an enclosed replica of the Colosseum. The ground rumbled as I will my golem army to life with the help of the power of Nature. 

"Two can play at that game!" Ouranos roared with excitement.

He thrusted his hands towards the sky and a thunderstorm brewed. Lightning streaked all around us with thunder booming. Then, he put his palms towards his sides and the air pressure suddenly increased, making our movements feel sluggish. The air also felt thinner, making it harder to breathe. There was a transparent air barrier surrounding the colosseum. There was a cold chill in the air as a monster army materialized around him. Someone was projecting monsters yet again.

"It ends here!" Ouranos declared victoriously.

"Finally, something we agree on." I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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