Chapter 2 (Reimagined)

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(In the original chapter 1, the plot is around the same but at the end of the chapter, Percy fakes his death.)
(In the original chapter 2, Percy gets teleported to Olympus and gets blessed with the elements by the Olympians. After that, he goes to train with Chaos)


"Ow, where the- Woah..." I gasped.

I was in a massive room, no, a massive hall. There were polished stone pillars along the sides, a marble floor decorated with jewels along the centre, a quartz ceiling towering over the hall and there were 12 thrones and a fireplace that looked exactly like the ones on Olympus. In 5 of those seats were Zeus, Hades, Hestia, Demeter and finally Hephaestus. There was a stone platform in the middle surrounded by 4 pedestals. Each pedestal had a different symbol on them. Fire, Nature, Earth and Lightning.

"Welcome to the Acropolis, Perseus Jackson," Zeus announced.

"Wait I thought the Acropolis is a ruin? That's where I accidentally summoned Gaia with my infamous nosebleed right?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yes but no," Hephaestus said with a cheeky grin.

"The Acropolis the mortals know is just a decoy. There is a secret entrance to the actual Acropolis. The reason we keep this place a secret is because... (dramatic pause) This is where we turn demigods in gods." Hephaestus explained proudly.

"Wait, so why am I- hold on, I never said I want-," I replied.

"We know you already refused godhood once Percy, but you have a very good reason to accept our blessing this time. We not giving you immortality, meaning you will age like any other teenager. We're giving you our elemental powers." Hestia elaborated.

"So you're turning me into a knockoff Avatar?" I said sarcastically.

Ignoring me, Hades said: "We chose you Percy because there is a traitor in our midst and there is a war unlike anything we've ever seen is on its way. We also sense a being, much more powerful than any god. Needless to say, we are completely fricked. That's why we need you to accept the elements and master them as quickly as possible."

"And like the avatar, I'll disappear when the world needs me the most." I replied with a wink.

"Percy! This is not a time to joke around!" Hestia whined.

"Finee," I relented.

"Alsooo, did we mention there is a small chance for you to die?" Zeus muttered sheepishly.


"Ok! Chop chop, let's begin!"

After 15 minutes of intense bickering,

"Ok, it's simple. We've never tried this on anyone before as we needed a child of one of the big three and we never got a chance.

"Can we use Nico as a lab rat first? I'm sure he won't give up a chance to die." I joked which earned a menacing stare from Hades.

Hephaestus powered on the platform and it started glowing red, blue, green, brown and yellow.

I walked to the platform at the centre of the room as instructed. There was an empty opening in the middle of the platform. "That's where you need to channel your water abilities through."

I placed my hand on the opening and concentrated. I channelled the water from my body into my palm. It felt like a storm brewing inside me. I felt water flowing powerfully through my hand and the opening sucked it all up.

"Now!" Zeus thundered.

Elemental energy erupted inside the room. Zeus shot continuous bolts of lightning into the pedestal of lightning. Hestia burst into flames and channelled the fire into her respective pedestal. Hades slammed his palms on the ground. I felt the ground shaking as he channelled his elemental energy into the pedestal. Demeter glowed brightly and shone a beam of sunlight into the nature pedestal. I had no idea how she was summoning sunlight here. It was a major lightshow.

Suddenly, every pedestal glowed brightly. I looked under my palm and there was a bright blue light emitting from it. There were corresponding tendrils of light flowing towards me from each pedestal. They met at the centre and red, blue, green, brown and yellow tendrils of light started flowing up my arm. I felt immense heat and power coursing through my body. I felt the energy spread across my whole body. I felt flames on my left hand, lightning flickering from my right. The ground was shaking at my left foot and there were roots emerging through the ground at my right. So this is what power feels like. The power kept coming and coming. It felt as if there was no end to it. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain throughout my body. I fell to the ground in shock. "Stop!" I croaked. The energy immediately cut off. I immediately felt weak and collapsed.

Some time later,

I found myself somewhere really high up. It seemed that I was at the peak of a mountain. It looked to be as tall as Mount Olympus itself. I recalled accepting the elements from 4 of the Olympians and I remembered blacking out after the transfer of power. I couldn't sense any of the elements now except for lightning. I felt static surging through my body. There were sparks of electricity flickering at the tips of my fingers. Maybe it was because of the location I was at?

"Correct Perseus Jackson. This is where my power comes from. All forms of lightning energy originate from here. Ha! You thought that lightning develops because of tiny collations between ice particles within the cloud? WRONG! Lightning is harnessed from this place. We lightning users draw power from this sacred sanctuary whenever we summon lightning." Zeus explained.

"Wait so when people get struck by lightning, is it you messing around or?" I questioned.

"Uhhhhh, enough bickering around. Lets begin your training!" Zeus said, avoiding the question.

Training was simple at first. Zeus taught me how to channel lightning from my body instead of from the sky. It was something very few people could do unlike those offspring of Zeus losers. I had to focus all the lightning energy I had and exert it through a single point in my body. I used my index and middle finger to channel lightning through. It felt just like a gun. All I had to do was point and fire. It was a portable laser beam. I skipped target practice cause I've been pointing since I was born. "There are many things you can do with this simple technique. You could touch someone and sends volts of current into him, or electrify your weapon, or send continuous bolts of lightning at someone or even blow up electrical devices. I'll leave it to your imagination." Zeus elaborated.

The 2nd part of training was tricky. Zeus said that a powerful move I could do was by charging up the lightning energy and discharging it and shocking everything around me. I cleared my mind and starting compressing all the lightning in me. Energy tried to break out but I held it in. I compressed it all as far as I could and with a mighty scream, lightning discharged in every direction, disintegrating everything around me. "Well done, you're a natural at this! But this next technique is going be really hard to master."

The final technique was to be one with lightning. It was simple but really hard to pull off. Basically I had to channel electricity into every part of my body so I would move at supernatural speeds. It was simply increasing my body bioelectricity. I would think faster, move quicker and fight better. (For those anime lovers out there, it's basically Deku's full cowling from BNHA.) "Let me give you a demonstration." Zeus said with a wink. He channelled his lightning powers and his veins started to glow. He suddenly disappeared with a strong gust of wind. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned out and saw Zeus for a split second as he disappeared again. He reappeared in front of me and his glow of his veins started to fade. "Woah" I managed.

"Cool right?! Sadly I can only use it for a few minutes despite being a god." Zeus replied.

"Makes sense, if not you'll be the most powerful Olympian." I added.

"Yea, its already- Wait what did you-?" Zeus outraged by my comment.

"My turn!" I hurriedly interrupted.

I closed my eyes and felt my lightning energy at the core of my body. I discharged the electricity throughout my body and tried to electricity my limbs. But despite my efforts, I hadn't spread out the electricity evenly. I tried to take a step and immediately was flung into the hard stone wall with a loud 'crack'.

"Nice first try, at least you managed to over-electrify your legs," Zeus managed trying not to laugh.

"Shut up," I breathed between the cracks of my teeth.

"Well, that's all I can teach you. It's up you to master these techniques. You now can be on your way to learn the other 3 elements. Good luck!" Zeus said.

Percy Jackson, Master Of The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now