Chapter 22

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The ocean was really such a beautiful place but I was not prepared what I was about to see as we arrived at Atlantis. It was just clear blue ocean until we got past the narrow ridge. The city of Atlantis was filled with life. It was like nothing I've ever seen. It was very orderly despite being underwater. People were swimming around in orderly patterns. It was also well protected as there were guards placed along the outline of the city. Poseidon himself could even snipe any unwanted guest with his trident if he chose to. Even though it was still in construction after the second titan war, it was still incredibly magnificent. The glowing jellyfish-like lights, shiny and polished monuments, statues of Poseidon and the unique structure of houses here were really special. You could see merman swimming around, carrying large stone blocks around the premise of the palace. Large hippocampi were positioning the stone pillars while cyclopses were engraving marks into the stone. You could even see Briares, the Hundred Handed one carving out chunks of rock from a nearby underwater mountain. Triton and Delphin were overseeing the entire reconstruction of the entire city. I noticed that Percy kept his cloak pulled over his head. It seemed he hadn't told Poseidon yet. We kept going until we got pretty close to the palace itself. The guards stopped us and interrogated us. 

"I'm just here to talk to Poseidon, I pose no threat to Atlantis" Percy answered them.

"Ok, we just need you to kindly remove your cloak and identify yourself." A guard explained.

Percy sighed and closed his palm. The spears which the guards were holding onto got yeeted to Narnia. During the confusion, Percy incapacitated them by thrusting out his hands and the guards were pinned down by thorny vines. Out of nowhere, a trident was tossed towards me, slicing through the water like a bullet. Percy stepped in front of me and positioned his left hand towards the trident. His hand started to glow red-hot. A giant beam of pure heat exploded from his palm and incinerated the trident. The water around us started bubbling and immediately turned to steam which clouded our vision.

"Hey, it's rude to sneak attack someone you know. Sorry about your toy though." Percy said casually. 

"My trident! You'll pay for that demigod!" Triton yelled in despair. 

He cleared the steam with a wave of his hand and dashed towards us, propelling himself through the water with his two tails. A shape of a fist started to form as he drew back his hand and solidified the water. He punched with all that he had. I closed my eyes and held my arms in front of my face, waiting for impact but it never came. Percy had taken control of the water, dispersing it and nullifying the attack. 

"Ooh a fist, I can do that too!" Percy said nonchalantly. 

He drew back his hand as rocks started flying towards it as if it was magnetised. A massive stone fist formed around his right hand, encasing it. It was almost as big as Percy himself. 

"Goodbye," Percy said he launched his fist forward. It stopped centimetres away from Tritons face. You could see the colour drain from his face. 

Everyone was staring at Percy in shock. 

"So can I go in now?" Percy asked, clearly bored.

Before Triton could reply, Poseidon appeared of the nowhere because of the commotion. He pointed his trident at me and asked: "Who are you?"

Percy replied: "If you can beat me in a one on one fight, I'll tell you. In return, if I win, you answer what I have to ask."


I didn't trust Poseidon yet so I had no plans of revealing my identity yet.

"Not here," Poseidon replied. He snapped his fingers as we were all transported to an arena right in the centre of Atlantis. It was exactly like the one from the latest Aquaman movie! There were thousands of people seated with a clear view over the arena. There was flowing lava around the edges of the arena, stone boulders gouged into the ground, tall stone pillars scattered around the place and a massive stone podium at the centre. Calypso was seated near what seemed to be Poseidon's throne with guards surrounding her. I had to win, no matter what. If not, her life would end here. 

"Any last words demigod?" Poseidon said overconfidently as he readied himself for battle. 

I couldn't draw Riptide if not it will give me away. I took my battle stance and taunted him, beckoning him to take the first strike. 

"No weapon? Foolish demigod. I will be fair and do the same." Poseidon said as his trident disappeared into thin air. 

He thrusted himself towards me at the speed of light. I reacted and caught his fist as it was about to connect with my face. Poseidon seemed shocked and I took that opportunity to slam my fist square into his chin. The blow connected and he flew several metres backward. "

"Not bad, not bad at all," Poseidon said as he massaged his chin. He rushed at me and drew his fist back and punched, Before his punch was even close to me, out of nowhere, a pillar of rock slammed into my mid-riff and I was thrown backwards into the wall. "Dang it, I forgot he could use earth powers too. Earthshaker, how could I forget." 

"Two can play at that game!" I yelled over. I propelled myself towards the ground. I stomped into the ground and multiple giant pieces of rock were separated from the ground. I used the power of water, placed both my palms in front of me and launched all of them towards Poseidon. He summoned his trident and spun it to break the rocks as it reached them. While Poseidon was distracted, I combined both my wind and water powers and slammed my palm into the ground. A massive air bubble was formed in the arena, pushing away all the water. I was like Sally's air dome from Spongebob but 3 times bigger. 

Poseidon fell to the ground with a splat after all the water dispersed. As he was trying to get back up, I conjured vines that constricted around him and secreted explosive gas. I focused all my lightning energy into the tip of my finger and pointed. A massive lightning bolt struck him and everything exploded. I breathed a sigh of relief as I relaxed. Out of nowhere, Poseidon's trident flew out of nowhere. I managed to dodge at the last second, but the trident managed to slash at my leg which opened up a massive wound. I fell to the ground in agony, clutching my leg. I channelled water into the wound and it was closing up slowly. Poseidon slowly stumbled towards me. He seemed exhausted from the fight and looked vulnerable after being caught in that massive explosion.

I had to use my trump card now. Poseidon pointed his trident at me and a beam of energy shot towards me. It was now or never. Ignoring the flaring pain, I combined wind and fire and shot a concentrated beam of flame to conterreact with Poseidon's. It caused a massive smokescreen to cover the entire arena. 

I closed my eyes and focused. Those hours of practice had better pay off or I'm gonna sue the author of this story. I felt my lightning energy at the core of my body. I discharged the electricity throughout my body, evenly focused at every limb. I felt the energy balance out and my eyes flashed with lightning. I took a step and I was launched right behind Poseidon as if I teleported. A second didn't even pass by and yet I was positioned behind an Olympian. I pulled back my arm and channeled every single element. My fist glowed bright with energy and I unleashed a supernova as my fist exploded with contact. It caused a massive lightshow and Poseidon was thrown into the wall of the arena, leaving a massive hole there. He just sat there, clearly injured and head bowing down in defeat. I walked slowly towards him, exhausted from unleashing so much elemental energy. He looked up and asked me yet again: "Who are you?" 

I took off my hood and smiled.

Percy Jackson, Master Of The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now