Chapter 15

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"Percy?" I gasped.

"Uhhhhhh, n-no? Who's that?" Percy replied dumbly.

Jason proceeded to mentally face-palm himself.

"Uhhh... I'm his t-twin b-brother! Seawee- I mean J-Jeff!" Percy managed.

"Still a bad liar..." Leo muttered.

Not fooled by Percy's stammerings, with tears flowing down my eyes, "Cut it out Percy, how could you have done this to us??" I cried.

Percy just stared at his feet which seemed really interesting at the moment.

"Hey cut him some slack, you weren't the one that got cheated on." Jason defended.

"i-i-it wasn't m-m-me, It was a love spell which Noah put on me, I'm really sorry Perce." I stuttered.

Not accepting my apology, Percy retracted Riptide as he had done in the past, so long ago, I nearly had forgotten and started to walk away. 

Calypso placed her hand lightly on Percy's shoulder. "Percy, don't take it so hard on her. It wasn't completely her fault. Take it from me, I've gone through countless heartbreaks because of my curse. Don't do this to yourself and Annie."

"I'll think about it," Percy muttered and on cue, he smoke-bombed away into thin air.


So many emotions were running through me, regret, anger, fear, sadness and most of all, I felt guilty leaving Annabeth on the spot. I drew Riptide in reflex. I stared at the engravings and my past memories flowed through me.

It all started when I met Grover and Chiron at school, fighting the minotaur, watching it capture my mum, my first capture the flag game, my first quest, seeing Thalia for the first time, all the time I spent with Annabeth, betrayed by Luke and his death, saving Nico, watching Bianca disappear right in front of me, Rachel Dare, dipping in the River Styx, Annabeth taking a knife for me, my first underwater kiss, the trip at Paris with Annabeth, waking up with no memories in the wolf house, getting to know the Romans, my quest on the Argo II, my nosebleed that summoned Gaia and finally meeting Apollo as Lester. I would have never given up those memories for anything in the world. The best I can do I forgive and move on. With a heavy sigh, I sheathed Riptide yet and dragged myself towards the steaming volcano. 


As soon as Percy left, to my shock, Annabeth fell to the group weeping. Everyone rushed towards her but before they could reach her... "Stop!" Piper yelled with a strong hint of charmspeak. "Calypso will handle this."

"Thanks, Pipes."

I walked towards her and sat on the ground beside her.

"You can't keep doing this Annie, you've been thinking about him ever since he left, you have to learn to let go, you know things can't go back to the way it was anymore, not after what happened. " I whispered.

Annabeth just nodded as the tears slowly stopped. I pulled her to her feet and gave her a warm embrace. 

"Thanks for always being here for me." Annabeth managed.



I was still shocked at the sudden turn of events. Percy freaking Jackson is alive? And now he's gone again and left us with a heart-broken Annabeth Chase, great...

Right on cue, Percy walked back into view. The guys all jumped on top of him and bear-hugged him till he couldn't breathe. Leo and Jason seemed undisturbed though as if they knew. 


"PERCY HOW COULD YOU! NO IRIS MESSAGE OR ANYTHING. (Demigods aren't allowed to have cellphones. Because they attract monster and other reasons blablabla.)  I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BRO!" I screamed.

"Geez guys, I'm sorry. I've been busy training the past few years and left my past behind." Percy said apologetically.

"I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. And you know me, I never go back on my promises." Percy said.

"You better do, or we'll make you regret it," Nico said with a half-smile.

"We're glad to have you back Perce, just do me a favour and don't go disappearing again," Calypso said with a wink. 


Annabeth ran at me and pulled me into an embrace. I stood there shocked for a moment before she said with tears flowing down.

"I'm sorry Percy. I'm so sorry. I know I can't take back what I've done, but I just hope you forgive me."

"I do, I forgive you," I said as I returned the embrace.

She pulled away and wiped her tears. I knew things between her and I could never be the same but I'll try to rebuild our friendship. I can't keep ignoring her anymore.

"Ok well now that we've got that sorted and now that we have Riptide. What now?" Nico asked.

"After retrieving the sword in the stone, the prophecy says Olympus is betrayed by one of their own and the blade left behind shall be remade. So we have to reforge Riptide? Where?" Piper asked.

All of a sudden, I heard footsteps behind me. I spun around summoning Riptide and Stormbringer. Everyone else followed suit and readied their battle stance. A figure charged at us with his sword dangling by his side, you could tell he wasn't an experience swordsman.

"Forrrr my mamaaaa!!!" a strangely familiar voice said.

"Noah?" Annabeth exclaimed.

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