Chapter 6

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2 weeks later,


I had a lot of fun in Valhalla but I decided it was time for me to leave. I said farewell to Magnus and the rest of my friends and left. I was going on another journey and I wanted to pay a certain magician a visit.

**Carter Kane**

I chilling in my room in the House of Life when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"An old friend." a familiar voice answered.

I opened the door and recognised him.

"Percy?" I asked.

"In the flesh." He answered.

"How has it been bro," I asked surprised that he was here.

"Oh you know the usual, killing monsters, saving the world." He replied jokingly.

"So what brings you to the House of Life?" I questioned.

"Actually, I'm was wondering if you could teach me some magic and how to do the glowing chicken man thing," he answered.

"Come with me," I said.

I asked uncle Amos if Percy could learn some magic and he said it should be ok.

"Ok, you now have to decide which path of the gods you want to follow. But since u want to project a combat avatar like mine. I recommend the path of Horus."

"Ok then," Percy answered.

"Your training begins now," I said.

2 Months Later,


I have been training at the House of Life and now I've learnt how to access and keep my things in the Duat, learnt a few words of power such as Ha-Di which means "Destroy", project my chicken-man avatar and learnt to summon the fist of Horus. 

It was great to meet Carter and Sadie again but its time for me to leave again. I was wondering where to go next when Chaos spoke in my head.

"Percy, you have to return to camp, there is a new great prophecy and you have to lead the quest, I know this is hard for you after everything you have been through but you have to do this. Do it for me." Chaos said.

"Ok fine, but only one quest," I answered.

"Don't reveal your identity yet and choose wisely when you pick the people to follow you on the quest."


"One final thing, you will be known as 𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆 (Power in Greek) to everyone."

"Sounds cool to me," I said with a grin.

A few days later,

I arrived at Camp Half-Blood in the morning. I was scouting the camp from atop a hill when I saw Annabeth. I felt heartbroken and sad again. "Stop thinking about her, you don't need her," I said to myself. I didn't want to show myself here yet and decided to bide my time. I decided to make camp somewhere deep in the woods. 


I was woken up from my nap by a loud explosion. I quickly pulled my pendant and my mask and armour immediately materialized on my body. I vapour travelled to the hill where I scouted the camp and saw a small army of monsters attacking the camp. This was the opportunity I was waiting for but first, I needed to make an entrance Zeus worthy.

Percy Jackson, Master Of The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now