Chapter 8

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𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆 asked us to meet him in the woods at night and then he teleported away. We were all in awe by how powerful he was. 

"Who is he?" asked Leo.

"Most likely the Master of Elements from the prophecy," I replied.

"What was the spell he used to defeat Koios?" asked Jason.

"Ha-Di. It means destroy in Ancient Egyptian." I replied.

"Whoever it was, he's powerful. All of us felt his aura and it was stronger than any of the Olympians. He was strong enough to solo 4 titans no sweat." Nico said.

"Meh, I could do much better than that loser." Noah boasted.

Everyone shook their heads in disdain. Most of us hated him ever since Percy died, we blamed him for the cause of his death.

We stared at the empty battlefield till Chiron announced: "Everyone head back to your cabins until further notice. I want the seven with me when we meet 𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆 tonight."

Later that night, 

We were waiting for 𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆 in the middle of the woods when we heard a voice above us. 

"Took you guys long enough." it said.

We looked up and saw that it was 𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆.
He jumped down beside us. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"Who I am doesn't concern you. I have been sent by Chaos to aid the camp," he answered coldly.

"We don't need your help. We can handle ourselves fine." Noah answered ignorantly. He had been following us this whole time. We all glared at him.

"Okay how about this. If the seven of you beat me in a duel tomorrow in the morning. I will leave. Happy?" he responded.

"We accept. Get ready to get rekted and run home to your daddy." Noah answered.

"Whatever you say Fish Face." 𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆 said as he teleported away which left a very angry Noah staring at thin air. 

"We are so gonna get our butts handed to us," Nico said.

"I sincerely hope so," Chiron replied.

The next morning,


I was at the stadium, casually playing with my throwing knives when all the Gods flashed in with the seven + Noah+ Thalia. 

"Finally, I thought you guys wouldn't show up." I said.

"I wouldn't miss this chance to beat you up." replied Noah arrogantly.

I laughed and almost dropped my knives.

"Magic and magic items are allowed. Maiming and knocking out people only. No killing. Begin."  Zeus announced.

All of them rushed me at once and I flicked my wrist to summon Stormbringer and slammed it into the ground. It caused a big earthquake which made all of them fall down. Noah was the first to get up and he rushed me. I quickly muttered "A'max" which meant burn and I set his butt on fire. He screamed like a girl and started rolling on the ground. 

I turned around and saw Jason and Piper charging at me. I parried Jason's sword and sent a gust of wind blowing him into Piper which sent them both flying away and rendering them unconscious. Thalia kept shooting arrows towards so I put combined the water molecules around me to form a water barrier around me. The rest of them tried to surround me and I launched into the sky and shot a big blast of fire towards the ground which exploded on impact. 

They were scattered because of the blast. I summoned a humanoid figure made of ice, molten lava, rocks and some vines to occupy them and I rushed Frank which transformed into a lion. He saw me coming and tried to bite me. I slid under him, pulled his tail and with all my might, I threw him out of the arena. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and I turned to see Nico who had shadow travelled behind me. I blocked his sword with mine and kicked him in the gut. He grunted and staggered back a little. Then, we both charged at the same time. I swung my sword but at the last second, I vapour travelled behind him and knocked him out with the hilt of my sword. 

Suddenly, I was struck by lightning before I could react. I was blasted away and slammed into a wall. I brushed the dirt off my armour and saw Thalia smiling at me across the arena. "Two can play that game," I muttered. I imbued my sword with lightning from the sky. I shouted "SHAZAM!" and I blasted the concentrated lightning out of my sword straight into Thalia's body. Her armour disintegrated on impact, and she was out cold. 

I looked around, Noah was still rolling on the ground like an idiot, Jasan, Thalia, Piper and Nico were out cold. Frank was still nowhere to be seen after he was launched to Narnia. 5 down 4 to go. I turned to see Leo and Annabeth still fighting my clone when I heard a sonic boom and saw Hazel on her cussing horse Arion coming towards me. I reacted too slowly and was kicked in the face by Arion.

"Ouch, that hurt," I muttered.

Hazel and Arion came back for a second round. I summoned tendrils of vines that came out of the ground which wrapped around Arion's legs. The horse stopped abruptly and Hazel was thrown off and slammed into the ground on her face. 

"Another one bites the dust," I said to myself.

I willed my clone to explode which knocked Leo and Annabeth off their feet. I stood over Leo and said "How's the view from there Fire Boy?" I insulted him. He got mad and shouted " Flame On!" He exploded with fire and set me flying back a few metres. "You wanna play with fire? Let's play with fire." I shouted. Leo charged at me as fast as he could. I flicked my wrist to turn my sword back into a ring and I summoned flames to shoot out from my hand. I brought my hands together and channelled as much fire as I could. A fiery tornado in the form of a dragon exploded from my palms and consumed Leo. It carried him into the air and exploded with a mighty explosion. He fell and hit the ground too hard. 

Fight me like a man I heard Noah say. "Fine by me," I said. I raised my fists and dodged his sword and kicked him in the crown jewels. He groaned in pain and fell on his knees. Then I shouted: "One punch!" and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground unconscious.

That leaves Annabeth to take care off. I turned to see a frightened Annabeth staring at me. She was shaking with fear and she dropped her sword and said: " I surrender." I hesitated and she pulled out a dagger and tried to stab me but I was faster and grabbed her arm. "You shouldn't have done that," I said coldly. I punched her in the face with a lot of force and I felt her body go limp in my arms. I let go of her and looked at Zeus. 

"Looks like I'm staying here for a while," I said with a triumphant grin.

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