Chapter 23

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(I'm finally back. Way too many new games to play lol. Especially because of the Genshin Impact hype haha.)


Poseidon's face shifted from anger to shock and then to joy. His rage instantly melted into a warm smile. You could hear the shocked gasps from the crowd and the eerie silence that followed it. Poseidon pulled me into a bear hug and crushed me with his humongous arms.

"My son is alive!" Poseidon rejoiced.

That broke the silence and the crowd exploded with cheer.

"Thanks dad but I never really died," I clarified.

"It doesn't matter since you're here! Why didn't you tell me you were alive though?" Poseidon said.

"Umm, I wanted to keep a low profile, sorry about that." I replied sheepishly.

"No matter, this is a cause for celebration! All you can eat buffet, everyone!" Poseidon declared which caused the crowd go even crazier."

"That would be great if I was not on a quest as we speak dad. I would love to after the quest though." I apologised, rejecting the buffet.
(I'm hungry as I'm writing this :C)

"Oh..." Poseidon replied, clearly crestfallen.

"Its alright dad, I'll be back as soon as possible. Take care!" I reassured him, gave him one last hug as I took my leave.


My heart was racing during the fight between Percy and Poseidon. It was really intense but every time Percy took a hit, it hurt me emotionally. I couldn't bear to see anyone else hurt after what had happened, especially Percy. He's been there for me all the time. He tried to set me free from Ogygia by risking his life to bargain with the Olympians after the second titan war. Even though they didn't keep their promise, at least Percy tried. I clenched my fists and hoped for the best, cheering Percy on in my head.

When Percy and Poseidon's elemental blows met and caused a massive smokescreen around the arena, my heart skipped a beat. I squinted my eyes to see what had happened. My palms were sweating from the stress. As the smoke cleared slightly, I saw Percy glowing with yellow energy arcing around his body. He took a step and seemed as if he teleported behind Poseidon dealt the final blow. Then, Percy took off his hood which gave me a heart attack. Then, they had a heartwarming reunion and Percy swam towards me.

"Calypso, are you ok?" Percy asked with a voice filled with worry.

"I'm perfectly fine, I was more worried about you," I replied as I embraced him.

After releasing the embrace, I asked: "So... It wasn't Poseidon right?"

"Nope, I really don't think so. You know the Olympians, they are horrible at lying. Dad was actually happy to see me, there's no way he could have faked that amount of joy." Percy replied.

"I wonder how the others are doing" I wondered aloud.

Right on cue, an Iris message arrived. "Oh thank the gods you guys answered." Piper sighed with relief.

"Why? What happened?" Percy asked with worry evident in his voice.

"Frank and Hazel aren't responding and Athena/Minerva has been kidnapped by Ouranos. Other than that, everyone has cleared their respective Olympian."

"So it's clear then, Ares is clearly the culprit behind this." I concluded.

"So since both Ares and Ouranos are working together, Hazel, Frank and Minerva should be locked in the same place I assume. We should split up. One party to rescue them and the other to warn the Olympians and both camps. We have to prepare for war. Minerva will be used as a bargaining chip at the least." I finalised.

Percy Jackson, Master Of The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now