The Beginning of the End

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It was just bad news over and over again. It turns out all our reinforcements were pinned as well. Monsters have surrounded and sealed off every exit of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. They've been standing there for a day already. No one could get in or out. We're sandwiched between a rock and a hard place. Looks like we were all on our own. The question is, which camp will Ouranos himself attack? And when? It has been two days since we've finished the preparations but still no sign of any action from the enemy. In the past few days, Calypso and I have been working on methods to counterattack Ouranos but we have no solid way to test them so all we can do is hope that our plans work. I leaned against the wall, bored out of my head. Curse you my ADHD!

As I gazed out from the watchtower, I spotted a figure over the horizon. I squinted and saw a second figure trailing behind the first figure. It seemed he or she was being dragged behind. I noticed the first figure was seeming floating and I realized it was Ouranos. Without a moment of hesitation, I signalled the alarm.

Everyone immediately dropped whatever they were doing and assembled into their defensive formations around the camp. I stayed at the watchtower, just watching Ouranos slowly making his way here. The figure he was dragging behind was a woman. I could tell by her feminine body shape even though Ouranos had put a cloth sack over her head. Her wrists and knees were bound in chains. Her dress was tattered and covered in blood as if she was tortured. What in the world was Ouranos' plan?

Most of the demigods were stationed at the entrance of the camp. Their weapons were drawn, poised at the wooden gate, ready for Ouranos. After reaching the gate, Ouranos called out:

"Demigods! I've come to bargain!" (Marvel pls don't sue me.)

"Bargain? After already taking so much from us? Hell no!" Clarissa yelled in anger.

"Oh but you will, because I have something of value to you," Ouranos replied with a nasty grin and he took off the sack of the woman's head. A collective gasp was let out when we saw that it was Minerva. Her face was swollen and tattered with bruises. Oh gods, what has done to her.

"So what will it be demigods, what will you offer for the life of a goddess?"

Thoughts flashed through my mind. "Could we just take him right now when he is alone and exposed? What did he do to Minerva? And what happened to the rest of his army?"

I had to make a decision.

"Let him in!" I commanded.

Confusion spread across Clarissa's face but everyone else obeyed and opened the entrance to the camp. Ouranos calmly glided in, towing the captive goddess behind him. As soon as both he and Minerva made it in, I yelled: "Shut the Gates!" and the gates immediately dropped in response. 

Then, a celestial bronze woven net was closed above our heads, cutting off any exit for Ouranos.

"You know that I'm literally the air right? I can just phase through the net you know?" Ouranos replied, facepalming.

"I know you can, but she can't," I replied snarkily, pointing at Minerva.

"Well played demigod, but you forgot one small detail, I can still easily kill her," Ouranos replied as he drove Stormbringer into Minerva's thigh. She let out a guttural scream, clutching her impaled leg. 

"Stop! Please stop... we'll listen to your demands," Malcolm Pace reluctantly answered. Who could blame him, he had already lost one of his cabinmates, he couldn't lose his godly parent as well.

"Finally, someone with a bit of common sense," Ouranos sighed, releasing his grip and his blade vanished into thin air. Well, technically my blade but whatever. 

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