Chapter 12

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The days passed but nothing much happened. There was the occasional harpy attack but nothing serious. We were getting closer and closer to Oggygia.

A few days later,

I was chilling in crow's nest when I saw a small green blob far out. I squinted closely and saw that it was land!

"Land Ho!" I shouted.

"Finally, thank the gods!" Leo shouted.

"How I have missed this place," Calypso said with a sigh.

We docked at the island and we got off one by one.

"Where is that freaking sword?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I don't really sense anything on the island and it doesn't feel how it used to feel. Something is very wrong." Calypso said.

Suddenly, Calypso's head flew back and she fell to the ground as if someone had punched her. We all raised our swords in defence and Leo proceeded to help Calypso up.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yea, but I felt as if I was punched in the face," Calypso said.

Suddenly, I felt movement in front of me and I turned around to see nothing as I was kicked square in the chest. I felt all the oxygen leave my lungs. I fell backwards into Calypso which made her fall again.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"It's okay." She replied as she helped me up.

She gave me a warm smile which made me wonder why I had ever left Oggygia for Annabeth.

Suddenly, Leo screamed: "I've caught a fricking ghost. It's trying to break free."

He looked like he was having a seizure. I thrusted my hands towards Leo which sent a gust of icy wind to freeze whatever Leo was holding. It was frozen and fell to the ground as he let go of it.

"Ouch, that's cold," Leo exclaimed.

"Stop being such a baby Leo," Jason muttered.

"Stop it, both of you," Piper said with a hint of charmspeak.

"Yes ma'am," they muttered.

The figure was a humanoid figure that looked slender and thin.

Calypso gasped and said: "I think this is one of my invisible servants."

"Then if it is one of your creepy servants, why did it go rogue?" Frank asked.

"I haven't had any control over my powers ever since I left the island. I might not have control over my invisible servants too." Calypso answered.

"That makes sense I guess," Annabeth replied.

"Don't you have like a dozen servants?" I asked.

"Yea, that's the problem right now. I don't know if all of them has gone rogue and if they did, how are we supposed to take them down?" Calypso asked.

"Leave that part to me," I said.

30 minutes later,

All of us except for Leo were standing at the beach.

"Why is it taking so long," Nico whined.

"Just a little longer," I said.

Right on cue, a flaming Leo bursted onto the beach.

"I hate this plannnnnnnnnnnnnn." Leo screamed.

"Don't worry, you're doing great!" I chuckled.

"Everyone take position!" I shouted.

Right as Leo reached us, Piper shouted with a lot of charmspeak: "Stop!!!"

The invisible servants were momentarily stunned. (I could feel the wind around me stop.) Then, I sprung the trap. I slammed my palms into the ground which set off a chain reaction and the ground in front of us exploded with ice and they were sent high up into the air and shattered into many pieces.

Chunks of ice started raining down from the sky.

"Great job, not only did you turn my beach into a winter wonderland, but you managed to obliterate my servants," Calypso said jokingly.

I just gave her an amused look.

"So now that we've killed the only threats on the island, what do we do now?" Leo asked.

"We find Riptide," I answered.

"Don't jinx us Leo, if we do, I'll kick that sorry butt of yours." Jason said.

"Cmon, nothing bad is gonna happen." Leo replied.

Several hours later,

We have searched for the sword for a few hours already and the sun was going to set soon. We searched Calypso's house, her garden, the beach, the forest and still nothing. Where could it be?

"Ok, that's enough searching for one day. Let's have a picnic, shall we?" Calypso announced.

"Yasssssssss" said a very tired Hazel.

Calypso snapped her fingers but nothing happened except for a disappointed look on her face. 

"Sigh, I really miss my powers," Calypso muttered.

"It's ok, at least you're free now," I assured.

"I guess so," Calypso replied.

Everyone worked together to set up a delightful picnic on the beach. There was a lot of food such as fried chicken wings, mac and cheese, pizza, coke and ice cream. Leo and I sat beside Calypso and Annabeth while Nico, Hazel, Frank and Jason sat beside each other.

"Dig in everyone!" I said.

We just sat there for an hour enjoying the food and each other's company. I really enjoyed being back with these guys even though I still didn't forgive them for what did. There was a strong breeze as I sat there enjoying the beautiful sunset. The wind was blowing Calypso hair and she looked really beautiful with her hair fluttering around. I leaned back on a big rock and closed my eyes.

I woke up 30 minutes later to find Calypso fast asleep on my shoulder and Leo on her's. 

"Sigh, why did I ever leave you," I muttered sadly.

I stayed there questioning my life decisions when suddenly the ground shook and there was a massive explosion. Everyone immediately woke up and got to their feet. It seemed as something was arising from the centre of the island. There was magma flowing out of the ground as the object was arising. It was a volcano! It was really big and there seemed to be an entrance. I squinted my eyes and I saw a blade in the centre of the volcano.

"There it is! Let's go!" I shouted.

We dashed into the volcano as the entrance closed behind us and sealed shut. A few meters in front of us was Riptide buried in the ground. As I moved towards the blade, there was a massive eruption and many figures rose from the lava around us. They were lava golems! They were 10 meters tall and there were at least 5 of them. We were surrounded. I drew my sword and prepared for the worst.

"You jinxed us yet again Leo." Jason said.

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