Chapter 24

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"I claim guest privileges!"

I knew it was a long shot, but it was out of ideas. I needed to gather information about this portal that was interconnecting the rift between our worlds. I had to buy as much time as possible. 

The primordials' smug looks immediately faded. They cast worried glances at each other, sweat dripping profusely across their foreheads.

"Give us a moment among ourselves," they quickly said.

"How does the boy know about guest privileges? I thought it was only leaked to the Norse by those stupid giants?" Nyx asked agitatedly.

"How would I know? Perhaps he has Einherjar friends?" Tartarus replied lazily.

"Not possible, the Olympians had only recently allowed contact between the camps and it only happened because I was about to end humanity. What could have been greater than what I did to have let the Norse and Greek meet?" Gaia elaborated 'Karenly'.

"But we have to obey it right? We can't go against the rules. Even if they don't completely understand it," Tartarus asked everyone.

"Fineeee," Nyx whined like the average toddler.

"Welcome honourable guests!" Gaia said welcomingly as she turned around. Her smile looked painfully forced.

"How did that even work?" Nico whispered into my ear.

"A trick I picked up from Magnus," I replied with a wink.


"Some guy with a talking sword that sings horribly out of tune. I'll explain later," I added.

"Do people still not notice you even if you're in the same room as them?" I asked Nico.

"Yeap, it's a fun son of Hades ability," Nico replied.

"Alright here's the plan, you phase into the shadows since they haven't noticed you and try freeing Hazel and Frank while I put on a show. Once I give the signal, book it to the exit."

Nico nodded and poofed away.

"Great! So gracious hosts, what's this ancient round-shaped thing?" I replied, changing the topic.

"Actually, its a sphere. Its a three dimen-" Tartarus corrected.

"Shut up nerd, this isn't geometry class," Nyx responded snarkily.

"Enough bickering, this here is the portal between Purgatory and Earth. This area here is the thinnest rift between the worlds so we can barely manifest here. You all are lucky we are not in our respective domains where we will be at our full power.

"Thank the gods for that," I muttered softly.

 "Anyways~ why are you all here and why are you guys holding our friends hostages?" I asked.

"Oh, those 2 demigods? We only held them because it was part of Ares' plan. We really don't care. We're just waiting for the puny Ouranos to die again so that one of us can continue his reign of terror, no matter how short-lived is going to be." Gaia replied as if it was already obvious.

My heart stopped for a fraction of a second. "Wait, did you say one of you will take his place?" I replied shakily.

"Yes, only one primordial is allowed on Earth because of this stupid seal. It only allows one primordial to pass through as it won't budge after one of us goes through it." Nyx said, pointing at where we came in from.

"So, as long as the portal remains active, we will just keep coming back through the portal even if you keep killing us. Purgatory is our birthplace and it's just like the pit of Tartarus where monsters resurrect. It is only a matter of time. We are inevitable." Gaia monologed triumphantly.

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