Definitely Chapter 21

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I dived into the water with Calypso hanging onto my back. We dove deeper and deeper. Calypso seemed fascinated by everything. The ocean really was a beautiful place. Out of nowhere, Calypso started screaming. I couldn't understand what was happening. "Calypso, what's going on?" 

She tried to speak and just froze in place. "Ca- Calpyso?" I mumbled. Her grip loosened and she slowly drifted off. (Well this is what happens when you're exposed to water pressure kids!")


I blasted off with Piper clutching my arm. We were making good time then all of sudden, Piper lost her grip. I saw her tumbling to her doom. I watched helplessly as she hit the ground with a  *Splat*


It was so romantic, riding behind Hazel on Arion. We had a pleasant ride then all of sudden, there was a speed bump. I was knocked off Arion and slammed into the ground at mach speed. I felt my skin melt as I was dragged along the ground at terminal velocity. "Ha-zel!" Those were my last words as my bones along with my skin were gone. (This is why you wear seat belts kids.)


I held Nico's hand as we braced for shadow travel. We were enveloped in darkness and then materialized. Little did we know, Nico shadow travelled us directly into lava. Pain couldn't describe what I felt as I slowly died. (This is why we use the GPS kids.)


"I'm so boredddddd." I muttered to myself. I wandered around the ship and found this laptop. I turned it on. The screen flashed and console opened up. There was a single horrifying sentence that said: /kill. I pressed enter without a second thought. Nothing happened. "Stupid laptop." I muttered. Suddenly, an enormous pain erupted inside of me. "I don't feel so good." I said anguishedly. Then, I exploded. (This is why you use creative mode kids.)

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