Chapter 11

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I woke up in the infirmary. I tried to stand up but I immediately felt a throbbing pain in my head. I put on my hand on face. Thank the gods my mask was still there. Surprisingly the infirmary was empty. I must have been out for a long time. I got on my feet and went out of the tent.

When I got out of the tent, I decided to make myself invisible and observe the camp. (Invisibility cloak from Chaos) The camp was peaceful but there was a lack of campers as a few of died in the battle, whose names I did not know. There was an atmosphere of sadness in camp. For some reason, Riptide was nowhere to be found, weird. I walked towards Bunker 9. I sneaked in to see Leo still constructing the Argo III and I appeared in front of him and gave him the scare of his life.

"Holy Chicken Mcnuggets!!!! Don't ever do that again." Leo screamed.

"Wow, you still scream like a little girl." I chuckled but I immediately regretted what I said.

"What do you mean by I STILL scream like a little girl. Do I know you?" Leo asked suspiciously.


"Only the seven have heard me scream. But Percy's dead..." Leo said softly.

"I'm very much alive," I said as the cloak around me vanished.

"PERRRCCCCYYYY!!!!!" Leo shouted as he crushed my ribs with a bear hug.

"Now I really am gonna die," I muttered.

"Sorry, but what happened to you? We were worried about you." Leo said

"Well, I got blessed by the gods and was trained by Chaos," I answered.

"I'm glad you came back Percy. The camp really needs you now more than ever." Leo said.

"Glad to be back," I said.

2 months later,

Today is the day we all dreaded. Me, Annabeth, Leo, Calypso, Jason, Piper, Nico, Hazel, and Frank. (Calypso decided to tag along.) We walked towards the Big House where the Argo III was docked. It was a magnificent ship. There were gold and silver lining across the hull. It consisted of a very pointy ram, many rocket engines all around the ship for manoeuvrability, ballista cannons, rocket launchers, a deflector shield, Festus as a figurehead which could transform in its dragon form, and much other cool stuff.

"You've really done it this time Valdez," Nico said.

"My pleasure death boy," Leo replied.

We waved goodbye to the campers and we got on the Argo III.

"So where do we go now?" I asked.

"Oggygia, the sword in the stone magically disappeared and reappeared there when you arrived at camp. There were words carved into the stone which said: "Only the one which I once loved can retrieve this sword." which is impossible since all the heroes which came to my island are all dead except for Leo." Calypso said.

Leo gave me a piercing stare.

"Ok, let's go then," I said.

"Festus, set a course to Oggygia," Leo announced.

And with that, we took off. As I stood on the deck, I enjoyed the strong wind blowing into me even though I hated flying. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Perc, do you think you teach me the trick you used in the arena now?" Leo asked.

"Sure thing bud, lets head downwind, I wouldn't want to incinerate the ship," I replied.

We got to back of the ship.

"First, close your eyes and think of the form of the fire which you want to channel. Then, put your palms together and release the fire." I said as I shot a flame serpent out of my hands.

"Cool lemme try!" Leo said.

He closed his eyes and put his hands together then he shouted: "Flaming Chicken!" And a deformed chicken made of fire shot out his hands.

"Haha, nice try but try to focus more on the image in your mind." I chucked.

"Thanks Perc." Leo replied with a smile.

I headed back to get some rest in my room. This quest was going to be a tiresome one.


I stood on the front of ship staring into the sky. I felt useless as I had done nothing for the past few days. I didn't have a single clue what we were gonna do next. Leave it to that 𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆 guy to steal my glory.

Suddenly, I felt a strong gust of wind which shook the entire ship and knocked me off my feet. As I got up to my feet, a massive shadow formed. I looked up and saw a massive Griffin with a manticore tail and there was lightning swarming around it. It let out a large screech and blasted the ship with a bolt lighting from its beak. There was a massive hole in the hull and I could hear Leo screaming: " Fire!!!! Put it outtt!!!" I still stood there rooted to the ground and paralyzed in fear. It landed on the deck with a massive thump and it swung its tail at me which shot many spikes. I dodged to the right but I was hit by one of the spikes which impaled my left thigh. I screamed in pain. I was clutching my leg as the evolved griffin moved in for the kill. It opened its beak to consume me but it was blasted a few metres back by an explosion of fire. It screeched in outrage and took to the skies. I looked behind and saw 𝖊𝖝𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆 with his blade drawn. I noticed a rope tied to the blades. The evolved griffin dived towards him. He backflip judo kicked the griffin in the face and stabbed his blade into the griffin. The evolved griffin flew up and exousia went up with it with the rope holding onto him.


I soared high into the sky with my blade buried in the griffin. I used my momentum to hurl myself to the head of the griffin and I grappled onto its head. It tried to impale me with its tail. I dodged, dodged and dodged but I couldn't go on forever. I grabbed its tail with my right hand and froze it. Then, I kicked it with all my might which shattered the tail. It let out a guttural screech and dived bomb back down towards the earth.

I lost my grip and was dangling on the rope. I felt lighting arcing around in the griffin. As it opened its beak to blast me with a bolts of lightning, I closed my eyes and concentrated. As the lighting shot out of its beak, I redirected it and arced it back towards the griffin. The lightning exploded on impact and the griffin was shot out of the sky and was racing back to the earth. I was pulled with the griffin and while I was diving down, I turned my sword which was still in the griffin back into the ring and as I was about to hit the ground, I summoned my sword and plunged it into the body of the griffin which cushioned my fall.

"That was a sick landing!" Leo shouted.

"Thanks." I said with a grin.

"Leo, why didn't the alarm go off?" Jason asked.

"I have no idea, it must have dived bombed us from above." Leo answered.

"We better keep a close eye, we never know what's gonna come next." I answered.

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