Surprise She's My Girlfriend

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"Hey Shay". You greeted her as you walked into the bay. She was cleaning the ambulance. 

"Hey, what are you doing here"? She came out of the cab and met you by the bay door. You both were keeping the relationship on the down low because well you didnt really have a reason except no one knew you were gay.

"Sorry I bothered you at work but you left your bank card on the nightstand. I figured you may need it for something". You say handing her her card. Your fingers touching.

"Thanks. I missed you this morning. When did you get in"?

"About 3. I didnt want to wake you so I just slept on the couch". You yawned, the case you were working on was keeping you out all hours of the night and it was just getting to you with the lack of sleep and not seeing Shay.

"I know. I kissed your cheek this morning before going to work". Shay giggled as she held your hand. There was no one around so it was safe. Again, not sure why we havent told anyone.

"I felt it. So if I get off early you want to go to dinner? Your favorite place is having a special on desserts. So I'm thinking we stuff ourselves with as many cakes and pies until we pop and then go home and cuddle by the fire".

"Oh my god.  I think I'm in love. That's my dream come true". She dramatically fell into your arms. You let out a laugh.

"I'm taking that as a yes"?

"Yes. Most definitely yes". Shay stroked your cheek with her thumb and leaned in about to kiss your lips. When you both heard voices coming into the bay.

"Hey Y/N"? Gabby waved at you as she came around the ambulance.

Shay and you stood there straight and normal. Instead of your goofy lovey dovey selves.

"Hey Gabby".

"What are you doing here"?

"Oh um, I was just seeing if Shay has a pink shirt that I could borrow for a wedding. I have a light pink skirt that I'm wearing so I needed a shirt to match". You made up some lame excuse hoping that she'll believe it yet you couldn't believe it yourself. Shay laughing to herself.

"Shay and pink do not go together. I may have one, if you want to borrow it"?

"Yeah, that'll be great. Thanks".

"No problem. I'll see you this weekend and I'll give it to you".

"Yeah. Thanks". Gabby went back to her doings leaving you and Shay laughing.

"Pink? You couldnt come up with a better color"? She laughed.

"I panicked, okay".

"So what's this weekend"?

"Oh, she asked if I wanted to come to a cookout at Antonio's house. Apparently she's trying to set me up with one of their friends. I told her no but she wouldnt take that as a answer".

"Ah. How come I wasnt invited"?

"I don't know. Ask her. Wait".


"Maybe this would be the perfect time to tell her we're dating"? You suggested.

"Maybe. It could be. The look on her face will be priceless. Let's do it". Shay grabbed your hand swinging it.

The day of the cookout arrived, Shay and you walked up to the front door and ringed the bell. No one knew Shay was coming. It was a totally surprise.

"Shay, what are you doing here"? Gabby opened the door without a hello or a what's up.

"Well Hello to you too, Gabby". You chuckled.

"What are you doing here"?

"I invited her. She's my date". You told her, pushing past her and going to the back yard with the others.

"Date? You do know Shays gay right"? Gabby asked you.

"I do. We've been seeing each other a couple months now".

"And this is the way you tell me? What am I supposed to do with him"? Gabby pointed to the guy giving Antonio flipping lessons on how to properly flip a burger.

"Well, you could date him? You need a boyfriend". You tell her.

"He does look like your type". Shay piped in.

"He's my cousin. You weirdos". Gabby laughed in disgust.

"Ah, that explains it".

"Well since you're both here you can meet him and help me find him a girlfriend. I kinda promised him Y/N". Gabby laughed as she opened the door.

"Me? I was no ones to promise in the first place". You protested.

"I called dibs a long time again". Shay giggled, following Gabby.

"What is happening here"? You rolled your eyes and followed them.

You were glad someone knew about you and Shay. Thankfully there were no more random set ups by your friends. Just plenty of dates with Shay doing stuff you loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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