Cookie Date

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Requested by AmberBatterton. I hope you like it. Thanks for the request. Sorry for the long wait.

"Holy smoked sausages". Kelly could hear his tummy grumbling as he looked over the table of food.

"You didn't have to do all this, Y/N. We have frozen waffles in the freezer". Gabby said with a giggle as you gave her a cup of coffee.

"Ah this is nothing. I just wanted to say thanks for letting me stay over after our little trip to tequila town". Kelly let out a snort.

"No problem. Anytime". Gabby hugged you.

"Yeah, anytime. If you make breakfast like this everytime you stay. You're more than welcomed". Kelly stuffed his mouth with a bite of eggs, sausage and toast while washing it down with chocolate milk.

"Well, I made enough for you guys, Antonio and possibly your crew". You eyed Kelly as he pigged out. "Do you not feed him"? You asked with a chuckle.

"No, she doenst".

"I'm not your momma, you are a grown man. Feed yourself". Gabby threw a bagel at Kelly and he catched it. "Thank you". He took a bite out of it.

"I better be getting to work. There's cookies in the container by the door so you can take to work. I'll see you all later. Tell Shay I said get the heck up". You laughed and waved as you closed the door.

"I think she's trying to kill us with food". Kelly talked with a mouthful.

"Well, you could save some for others, piglet". Gabby took Kelly's plate away. He whimpered. "But it's so good". His bottom lip puckered out.

"Let's take some or all this to the station. It'll give Herrmann a morning off of cooking". Ganby suggested and started packing the food up for the station.

Kelly, Shay and Gabby headed into the firehouse with a box of food. It was like the crew could smell it coming up the stairs. They met them at the door.

"Whatcha got there, Gabby"? Cap sung as he circled them.

"Food. My friend made it for us". Shay sat her things down in a chair and helped Gabby put out the containers.

"Why haven't we met this friend"?

"I dont know. She works. I work".

"But you four had a party last night". Cap said taking the cookie container.

"How"? Shay asked with her hands on her hips.

"Kelly. He drunk dials". Cap replied as he stuck a cookie in his mouth that lite up his tastebuds and his whole mouth exploded with happiness.

"Holy cookie monster. These are freaking awesome". Cap took another one in his mouth and moaned.

"So should I introduce her to everyone"? Shay asked while everyone ate with a satisfying face.

"Yes". Cap agreed.

Shay shook her head with a laugh as she got on the phone.

"Hello"? You picked up the phone.

"Hey there bestie, what are you doing after work"?

"Not another tequila party. I'm so not feeling it".

"How about you come to the station and meet everyone. Theres a couple guys here wanting to know who made the food. The cookies are the biggest hit".

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'll pick up some stuff and I'll make dinner for everyone".

"Sounds amazing. See you tonight". Shay hung up the phone with a smile. Her closest friend is going to met her work family.

Later that evening after all the calls and excitement from the day settled down. You showed up with stuff to make pizzas with. Since it was Friday, why not have something simple and fun.

"Help me". You called at the bottom of the stairs. A bunch of guys came to the door.

"I bring food". You giggled as Shay pushed her way through.

"Guys, a hand please"? She nodded to the groceries in your hand.

They came down and grabbed a bag from your arms and you followed them up the stairs.

"Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is all the guys and Gabby". Shay introduced you to everyone.

"Hey everyone". You said a bit shy being put on the spot.

"So you made those delicious cookies"? A tall, bald headed man said.

"Yes, I did. I'm glad you enjoyed them".

"That's Cap". Shay whispered in your ear. "He didnt share the cookies".

"Oh". You said with a giggle.

"So who's hungry"? You asked. They all immediately raised their hands. "Take me to the kitchen".

Everyone gathered around to help make the pizzas. You brought pepperoni, mushrooms, olives, onions, green peppers, pineapple, ham, banana peppers, cheeses, sauces, and strawberries for dessert pizzas.

"Who tought you how to cook"? Cap stood right beside you the whole time. Watching you as your hands worked the dough.

"My mom, grandmother,  grandfather and the cooking channel". This made him laugh.
"I like to make things that make people feel good inside. A happy food when you're having a bad day. A comfort food when you're feeling down or homesick".

"Well, your cookies did make me feel some sort of way".

"What's that"? You looked up at him.

"Happy. Like home".

"That's good right"?

"Yeah, I haven't felt like that in awhile. So I was wondering if you wanted to maybe teach me how to make those"?

"Sure. Yeah, I'd love too".

"Alright, it's a date". He gleamed with excitement.

"A date"? Shay nudged your side.

"Shh". You told her.

"You're spoiling them. Now you wont ever get rid of them for sure". Gabby replied beside Shay.

Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.

You were just going to teach him how to make cookies. That's all. Right?

Boy, were you wrong. Cap and you had so much fun on your cookie date that he asked you again on another food date. Then another. Soon you two started dating and things were going great. He just had to workout extra to burn off those cookies.

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