Safe Place

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Requested by ScorchedThomas2922. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting. ❤ 


"You stay put, I'll be back before the storm hits". Kelly hugged you and waved to his niece and nephew taking off to the truck. You sighed as you turned around and saw your kids doing their homework.

This wasnt their normal school night but you three didn't want to go home, your ex had been calling and visiting you at school and at home. He couldn't take a hint that you wanted nothing to do with him but he was "in love" he always said. If controlling and beating you was love then he had a very fucked up definition about it. So you called kelly, asking if you could stay with him tonight until you go get a restraining order against your ex and of course he says yes.

Watching the twins do their homework and the lightening light up the sky. The lights started to flicker and you knew you were screwed if the lights went out but you were safe. The safest place in town until the echo of your ex's voice filled the firehouse. You started to panic.

Looking at the twins you told them to hide in the locker room. You didn't like for them to watch when you got into an argument and when he hit you. You hid the bruises the best you could but Kelly always found them and the kids were to young to understand what happened to you and you were glad about that.

"Go hide, now". You pushed them to the locker room. Laura didn't want to go but Logan pulled her arm, dragging her. He was a very protective brother, even though he was the youngest by three minutes he was always watching over the two women in his life.

"Y/N, Y/N". Your ex clicked his tongue shaking his head as he walked closer to you. You slowly backed away from him. Getting enough space between the two of you. That was the only thing right now keeping him from doing any harm.

"What are you doing here? You need to leave". Your voice shaked but you tried your best not to show it.

"Well you weren't at home and you're not answering my calls I had to make sure you were okay. The storm and all".

"Okay, I'm fine. Now please leave". You say but you bumped into the couch and you looked down as you did so. That was his opening, before you knew it you were on the ground, a hand print stung your left cheek. Your face turned red and you bit back tears.

He sighed with a chuckle. "I hate doing this to you baby but you need to respect me. You cant just leave and not tell me. You cant just ignore me". You weren't paying him any attention big mistake. He grabbed your face digging his fingers into your skin, pulling you up off the floor making you look at him.

"Fucking looking at me". He screamed in your face. His breathe smelled of alcohol.

"I love you". He kissed your lips roughly. Your stomach turned with disgust. You pounded on his chest and clawed his arms trying to get him to release you but he was use to by now. He pulled out of the kiss for a breath, you took your chance spitting in his eye when he let go of you, you kneed him in the groin taking off away from him.

"You bitch". He fell to the floor. You were just about to run into the locker room as you heard heavy boots hitting the floor running but it was towards you. There was more than one set.

Kelly and the whole crew came running in just in time as he was getting up. Kelly punched him in the jaw making him stagger. Herrmann came over to you checking you over as Kelly, Casey and the other put a beat down on your ex. Herrmann called the cops as he rubbed the red hand print that still lingered on your face. You were so thankful they got there just in time cause you had a feeling this might have been the one time he would have hurt you bad or worse killed you.

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