The Runaway

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Requested by BGNation4ever. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting ❤

Gabby was listening to her favorite song as she turned to go into the fire station but something caught her eyes, something pink. She walked over real slow and stopped in her tracks as she saw a girl may be the age of five sitting in the bushes. From what she could see, she had no coat on, blood splatter on his shirt and drips of blood on her face.  The little girl was shivering and her lips were purple. But Gabby knew if she moved to fast she would scare her away.

Gabby took off her jacket and walked slowly up to the girl laying it in front of her. And slowly backing away. The little girl gently picked it up and put it on. Gabby silently celebrated.

"I'm Gabby". She said introducing herself. "What's yours"? The little girls eyes grew big and she had fear on her face as she darted to the ambulance parked outside and crawled under it. Shielding herself from Gabby. Gabby sighed, not knowing what to do next.

"Yo Gabby, everything okay"? Herrmann asked as he saw Gabby with no jacket on in this winter weather.

She motioned for him to come over a finger over her lips.

"What's going on"?

"There's a little girl under the ambulance. I dont know how to get her out". Gabby whispered.

"I think I can get her to come out. Hey Pooch, come here boy". Herrmann whistled and the dog came running, his tail wagging and his tongue hanging out.

The little girl peaked her head out from underneath and saw the dog. She crawled out and tip toed over to the dog. She gave it a big hug and the dog licked her face.

"I'll go call Pd and see if they have any missing persons". Gabby walked off.

"I think he likes you". Herrmann laughed as the girl smiled.

"Would you like to come in and get some hot chocolate? You like hot chocolate right"? He asked with enthusiasm.

The girl nodded her head.

"Me too. It's my favourite. I think we have some mini marshmallows too". He held out his hand and she was hesitant at first but put her tiny hand in his. They walked with pooch beside her into the firehouse. Gabby on the phone as they entered.

"There's tv if you want to watch. I'll make the hot chocolate". He went to the kitchen as she sat down and turned on the TV, pooch laid across her lap. As she was flipping through the channels the news was on and she started to scream. Herrmann and Gabby both dropped what they were doing and ran to her.

On the news was a house that had been a murder in. Voight and his team were already there. The emt was wheeling out a body in a body bag. It was a woman.

"What? Is that your home"? Herrmann asked as he held the girl.

She nodded with a tear in her eye.

"That's your mom"? She nodded again and pointed at her shirt where the blood stains were.

"Do you know who killed your mom"?

She looked at Herrmann and nodded, taking out a letter from her pants pocket giving it to him.

On the letter it said.

Please take good care of my daughter, I wasn't the best father in the world but I tried. I couldn't take it anymore. So by now you have found her mother, tell my little girl I'm sorry for killing her. You'll find me the same way if you come looking for me. My daughter needs more than us. She deserves better".

"Call Voight again". Herrmann told Gabby as he folded the letter up. He switched the TV to cartoons and went back to fixing the hot chocolate.

A few moments later Voight and his team showed up. They brought a picture of the family. The same girl in the photo was sitting on the couch drinking her hot chocolate and rubbing the dog.

"We'll call Social services and have them find her a place".

"Do you have to"? Herrmann asked, looking at the girl.

"There's no other option".

"Why not let her come home with me. My wife and I will take good care of her. We have that extra spare room and some of the kids old things".

"You're up for that? She's going to need therapy".

"Yeah. I can do this. She needs me".

"I'll help too". Gabby offered.

"Okay, I'll call for the paper work.

Herrmann smiled and went to sit next to her. She smiled for the first time since she got there, he thought she knew she was safe and going to a loving home. He just hopped he made a difference in her life.

After she was settled into Herrmanns home, her new home. Voight contacted him, they found her father with a bullet in his head, tons of whiskey bottles laying around. He wrote another letter confessing to the murder and dropping his daughter off at the firestation. He just wanted best for her and that wasn't staying with them but her mother got in the way and he killed her. Herrmann didn't think she was ready to hear the news so he was going to make her father's wishes happen. He was going to adopt her and give her the life her father had wanted for her.

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