A Tumble Down The Hill

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Requested by ScorchedThomas2922. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting.

It was a beautiful day in Chicago so you took your family to a spot you have been going since you were a kid. It was a hiking trail surrounded with woods with a camp ground that had a little stream connected to it. It brought back memories of Kelly and your dad going there and you wanted to do the same with the twins.

"Wait up Logan". You laughed as you saw your son run off with Ace the family German Shepard. He was always beside the kids, either sleeping in their beds or laying his head in their laps. Ace was very protective of the twin, what did you expect from a trained but retired police dog.

"Mom, hurry. I can see it". You walked faster, Laura's hand in yours. Thomas stayed behind to set up for lunch.

"Logan, please be careful. There's tons of rocks that have fallen". You warned your son. Who was a little daredevil and didn't listen.

"I'm fine". Logan turned around to say something else and he stepped on a rock twisting his ankle and was falling back into the woods.

"Logan"! You screamed out running to him in horror. Ace was barking like crazy.

"Laura stay here. Im going to get your brother". You kissed her head as she cried holding onto Ace. Carefully walking down into the woods you held onto the trees. You could see Logan laying on the ground holding his ankle.

"Logan, you okay"? You got to him and crouched over to see his ankle. He hissed as you touched it. He was covered in dirt and leaves. A little scrap was on his cheek looked like from a tree limb.

"I think its a sprang. Let's get you back to the camp". You wrapped his arm around your shoulder and he hobbled up through the woods.

Getting back on the trail, you examined Logan even more in the sun light. His little face was soaked in tears, so was Laura's. Ace whimpered as he saw Logan.

"Lets go get daddy and he'll take us to the hospital". You say as you helped Logan get to his feet. The warning to Logan should have been to you too as you started to walk you tripped over rocks and tumbled down into the woods.

"Mommy"!! Laura and Logan screamed with a sob.

On your way down you cut your arm on a sharp rock, that was the least of your problems. As you hit the bottom so did your head on a rock.

"Go get daddy". Logan yelled at Laura who took off running, not listening about the rocks but she was lucky. Ace ran with her. Logan called for you but there was only the sound of birds chirping and the sound of water trickling.

Laura ran until she was out of breath but kept going until she saw her father's truck parked in the field.

"Daddy"!! She yelled for his attention. "Daddy".

"What? What's wrong? Where's your mom and brother"? He asked looking behind her waiting for them to come running.

"They fell. Mom's not answering". She panted out. Ace was barking up a storm and jumping all over Thomas.  Thomas's jaw dropped and so did his heart. He took off where his daughter came running from. Laura and Ace following behind him. He reached for his phone as he ran and called 911. He didn't know how bad it was.

Thomas could see his sons shirt as he rounded the corner. "Logan".


"Where's your mom"?

"She fell trying to help me. I didn't listen to her about the rocks and I fell she went after me now she's hurt because of me". He sobbed into his fathers shoulder.

"It's okay. I called uncle Kelly". Thomas tried to look down in the woods but he couldn't see anything.

"Ace, go find mommy". Thomas ordered Ace. He barked and ran down into the woods. He sniffed around until he found your lifeless body, he licked your face trying to get you away but no response. He barked and pawed at your arm still nothing. He kept barking. Thomas heart stopped as he heard whining coming from Ace.

"Thomas"? Kelly's voice was a relief to Thomas.

"Up here. She's down in the woods, Ace is with her".

"Okay". Kelly had a climbing holster already on and he sat up with Cruz and Casey. They helped lower him down with a gurney. The paramedics arrived a few minutes later and two were lowered down to help Kelly.

"Y/N"? Kelly called out as he saw you, Ace laying his head on your chest.

"Good boy". Kelly said to Ace as he moved him checking for a pulse. He found one but it was weak.

Him and the paramedics lifted you on the gurney and brought you back up to the trail. Thomas carried out Logan as you were brought down the trail and put into the ambulance.

Thomas never thought he would have a child and his wife both in the hospital but here he was holding your hand watching you. Logan got his ankle fixed and wrapped up, he and Laura were sitting at the edge of the bed waiting for you to wake.

Kelly took the twins home so they could get rest and have something to eat. Thomas paced the room and prayed for you to be alright and wake up. He did this for two days. Sleepless nights and panicked nightmares when he did try to close his eyes.

Thomas had just laid his head on your hand that he was holding as you opened your eyes. Looking around you saw him, in the same clothes as he was on that day. Lifting your other hand you placed it on his head craddling it. Thomas jerked as you touched him.

"Y/N? Oh thank God". He cried, kissing your lips.

"What happened"? You said a little groggy.

"You fell, hit your head and was in a coma for two days".

"I remember going on a hike with the twins but nothing after that".

"You remember us"?

"How could I forget my family"? You asked with a smile.

"I'm so glad you're okay". He kissed your head.

"Me too. I felt like I have been asleep for ages. Is Kelly married to a robot"?

Thomas laughed shaking his head. "No not married to a robot".

"Then you're not a cowboy that rangles corndogs"?

"What kind of drugs did they give you to have such weird thoughts"? He teased.

"I don't know. I'm just glad to be back". You snuggled into his chest. You couldn't wait to get home and see the twins and Ace. Thomas had told you he stayed with you until Kelly got there. Just to say he got a extra helping of steak and extra time in the pool that week when you got home.

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