Brother To The Rescue

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Requested by ScorchedThomas2922. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting ❤

"You can't do that without giving me a thirsty day notice". You argued with your land lady Gail McLeod. She was a raging bitch. First she tried shutting down firestation 51 now she's taking away your home. You had a suspicion that she was doing all this because your brother worked at the station.

"I can and I did. I expect you to be out by tomorrow and that's me being nice. If you're not out by then I'll have police throw you out". She sneered looking around your place as she left.

"Bitch". You growled, running your hand threw your hair. This place has been your home since the twins were born, now you have to just up and leave. You didn't know what and how you were going to do it.

Giving Kelly a call you asked if you could come by when the twins got out from school to talk. You didn't tell him exactly what was going on just you needed to talk. He could figure out something you know for sure he could.

After the kids got out from school you drove to the station and grabbed some food on the way.

"Hey sis". Kelly greeted you at the bay doors.

"Hey". You simply said.

"Lets go see everyone". He wrapped his arm around your shoulder with the other around his nephew.

You sat the kids down with pizza and their homework so you and Kelly could talk. Not wanting to worry them yet.

"So whats up"? Kelly asked taking a bite from his pizza.

"McLeod is kicking me out of my place. I have until tomorrow to get out. So I have until midnight cause I know she'll be there".

"That bitch. She can't do that".

That's what I said but she has papers and she has the police on her side. There's nothing I can do. I have no money saved up for this move. I don't know what we're going to do. Theres maybe enough money for a weekend in a hotel". You let out a long sigh.

Kelly shook his head, he wasnt going to let his family be homeless not when he has enough room for all three of you.

"Move in with me". Kelly blurted out, making you chuckle but when he didn't laugh you got confused. He was serious.

"For real? I couldn't do that to you".

"No really. Move in. I have enough space for you three. You and Laura can take the spare room and Logan and I can share my room for now until you can find the place you want. I'll help in anyway I can".

"Kelly, I don't want to burden you. Kicking you out of your own room basically".

"You're not a burden, you're my sister that needs help and I'm here giving you help so please come live with me until you can get a place. I love those little monsters and I would like to spend more time with them so what's better then having them with me at home". He said with a smile that could brighten up anyone's day.

"You'll regret saying that when they argue over something. Then you're going to want your house back". You said with a laugh.

"Come on. It'll be like those sleepovers we had when we were kids".

"You had. I was never invited because I was a little kid that was mean and I was a girl". You rolled your eyes.

"Then we'll make up for those times. Come on say you'll move in with me".

You groaned. "Fine, we'll move in with you".

"Yay. Who's moving in with uncle Kelly? You guys are". He giggled as he attacked the kids with tickles. They were excited too. Kelly asked the crew to help move you out that night after their shift ended they agreed with no sweat. You were out of the house by eleven fifty p.m. McLeod showed up five minutes later as you put the last box in your car.
Kelly let her have it and so did Boden. Kelly was excited to have you stay with him.

You also liked it too, he was closer to the school and to your work so it wasted less gas, money you could save. Kelly didn't ask you to pay bills but you helped out with groceries, cleaned the house, washed his nasty clothes and made sure he was eating right. He was there for you when you needed a moment to yourself and there for just a laugh or talk. He was your hero.

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