The Past Is Not The Past

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Requested by ScorchedThomas2922. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting.

WARNING: Theme is abduction both women and children. Abuse. Bombing. Caution when reading.

"Hey Kelly, I just finished ordering the cake for the twins party now I'm going to the store to pick up some snacks. I'll see you later, don't forget to pick up the balloons. Thanks big brother". Kelly played the voice mail over and over for Hank Voight. They stood in Voights office trying to figure out what happened but nothing is out of the ordinary.

"I've called her cell twenty times, nothing. I went to the store she always shops at and they haven't see her. Cameras didn't catch her or her car. She has just disappeared out of thin air".

"I'll have Mouse track her phone, GPS and we'll find her. Has she had any problems with anyone lately"?

"No, not that I can think of. She hasn't mentioned anyone". Kelly thought and came up blank until he remembered something about a strange truck following you and the twins on day after Soccer practice.

"There was a truck that she was worried about. She said it followed her home after the twins soccer practice. When she told me she looker scared".

"Did she say what color, make or model"?

"Red, Ford and she said it had a black and white tail gate. She noticed it after it sped off when she pulled into her house".

"Okay, I'll put a APB out for the truck and see if we come up with anything. Don't worry, we'll find her". Hank reassured Kelly, who had a gut feeling that it was someone you knew.

"Shh, it's going to be okay". You calmed your twins who were shaking and crying, they huddled under your arm. The room was dark and damp, you could hear a drip of water coming from a pipe in the corner. You had handcuffs around your wrist and the twins had rope around theirs, there was no way out. Your family was trapped.

The sounds of foot steps above you made you jump, they were getting closer to the door where a light was peaking threw underneath.

As the door flung open you hid the kids behind you, they clung to your jacket.

"Who are you? What do you want with us"? You asked your voice trembled as the dark figure got closer. The figure laughed and it sent chills down your spine, it was him. Your ex. You recognize that laugh anywhere.

"You? Why"?

"Y/N, you knew I wasn't going to let you go so easily, now didn't you"?

"Please let my kids go. They have nothing to do with this". You begged him. If you could see his face right now it would have a evil grin plastered across his face. He always did like you scared and helpless, that's one of the reasons you left. You couldnt take being his punching bag and toy that he could just play with when ever he wanted. He used and abused you.

"I'll think about it but first you're going to do something for me". He growled, his hand coming out of the darkness and grabbing a handful of hair pulling you to your feet. The twins screamed as you were dragged away.

The door slammed and you thought that was the last time you would see your kids. Death was meeting you shortly.

"Mouse, what do we have"? Voight walked out of his office.

"I found two trucks that match the description. One is located at a Joe's painters".

"And the other one"? Kelly questioned.

"It's registered to a Edward Samson. Ex con, did three years for breaking and entering. Last known address is at his mother's about ten miles from the bakery where Y/N was last heard from".

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