The Runaway part 2

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Requested by BGNation4ever. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting. Sorry it took so long. ❤

Y/N had settled into The Herrmann family nicely. She started therapy and school. She's made some new friends but she still wouldn't open up to just anyone. She still hadn't talked or came out of her shell but Herrmann was patient. He let her go at her own pace.

The only one she really played with was Pooch. She loved that dog, he was the best thing to her. After school she would go to the firehouse and play with him.

"Hey Y/N, why don't you come do some homework and then you can play more". Gabby asked, sitting at the table.

She agreed and starting doing her homework. She liked school except when the fire alarms went off, same way at the station.

Her and Gabby were doing work as the firemen came in from a call. Herrmann watched his adopted daughter smile as she was learning. He was very proud of her and wanted to give her the best.

"You're doing so good, Y/N. I'm very proud of you". Herrmann came over and kneeled down beside her.

"You're doing awesome".

She grinned and attacked him with a hug. "Thanks dad". She whispered but it was like the whole building heard it. They all stopped what they were doing, their jaws dropped and tears started to run. Mostly Gabby and Herrman.

"You spoke. You really spoke". Herrmann saud cheerfully. "Oh gosh, that is amazing".

"It's so great to hear your voice".

"Thanks". She spoke lightly. All the guys in the back were jumping for joy quietly of course. Trying not to spook her.

"You have made my year Y/N Herrmann with that sweet sound". Herrmann hugged his daughter. He was beyond proud of how far she has came. From not speaking and trusting to making friends and calling him dad. It was a start of a new chapter for the Herrmann family.

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