A Wedding To Remember part 2 (Kelly's wedding, Readers revenge)

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Requested by Corebore123. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting ❤

"You're going to behave, right"? Kelly mumbled to you as you walked him done the aisle. It was a big day for him, he was marrying his second best friend Stella Kid.

"Were you behaved at my wedding to Jay"?

"I'm screwed aren't I"? You chuckled as you grinned evilly nodding your head.

"Please no really embarrassing stories okay? I have a reputation to keep".

"Just wait and see brother". You kissed his cheek and took your seat beside Jay and your three kids. Kelly was in for a big treat that you had planned.

"Congratulations Kelly, you two are truly meant for each other. Stella, I pray for you". Herrmann raised his glass and sat back down after his toast.

It was your turn to say something and you maybe changed your mind about what you wanted to tell.

"Stella, you're a wonderful person and I'm so happy that Kelly found you. You straightened him out alot. He was girl crazy before he met you and I'm glad that's gone. But in all seriousness, congratulations. I hope you have a very long and excited marriage. Love each other deeply and never keep secrets from each other". You smiled widely at Kelly, he groaned rolling his eyes.

"Speaking of secrets". You did say maybe.

"Did he every tell you the first time he tried to put a condom on"? Everyone laughed, Stella shook her head with a laugh.

"He was about fifteen, he stole money from our dad to buy condoms, he thought he could get with our babysitter, she was seventeen and very much my brothers type. Well he comes home one day from shopping with our dad and he runs off to his room which was odd for him. He would always help out. So I go after him and I see him open one up and he's looking at it weird. He even blows it up, trying to see if that's how you put it on. I walk away as Dad catches him and the condom flies threw the room. Kelly's sitting there red cheeks, so embarrassed. Dad sits down beside him and they have the talk about sex, girls and condoms. I'm at the door laughing and making faces. He tells Kelly go get a banana and makes him practice putting a condom on the banana. So I'm pretty sure you're covered in the condom department". You wink at Stella and stuck out your tongue at Kelly.

"I hate you". Kelly mouthed you.

"I know others want to go but I'm having a blast from Kelly's past.

"When Kelly got his first girlfriend he was eighteen, she was this weird girl with braces. One night she had dinner with us after we watched a movie. During the movie dad had gone to work and left us. I'm watching the movie while they're making out. Out of no where Kelly screams in pain. They were stuck. He had gotten his tongue stuck in her braces. Shes panicking trying to push him away. She rips his tongue open. I call dad and he comes home.
He asked Kelly how he got hurt and Kelly said it was a accident. The girl yells at Kelly and starts smacking on him. Going you put a slug in my mouth. Kelly said he was giving her the tongue and he caught his tongue on her braces. She was so grossed out, she passed out and had to call an ambulance and her parent to explain what happened. Kelly couldn't really talk so dad had to explain. Her parents were furious. Kelly lost his girlfriend that night and gained a reputation for putting slugs in girls mouths. So I'd watch out".

"Okay, I think that's enough. Stella is probably regretting marrying me by now". Kelly stood up.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed". Stella held her husband's hand.

"I want to think you all for being here for our special day, even if we did have tales from the crypt. Thanks Y/N, by the way".

"You're welcome". You smiled at your brother.

"I'll get you again".

"No you won't. Not getting married again".

"Jay, I don't know how you put up with her? She's crazy".

"I can say the same thing about you, Kelly".

"True. So everyone enjoy the food and cake. I'll be over her apologizing to Stella". He chuckled, kissing Stella.

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