Blast Off

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Requested by ScorchedThomas2922. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting.


You heard screams coming from the entrance of the hospital. You told the twins to stay put and you stuck your head out of the room. Not seeing a bomb or anyone that had one made you wonder so you went out and a few people were running away as you kept going. That's when the dabre and a force threw you against the wall. You slammed to the ground with a hard thud. Your body bounced off the floor and that's when everything went black and numb.

Fire Station 51 report to Chicago MED, hazardous material reported. Enter with caution. The announcer spoke over the intercom. Kelly rushed to the truck and hopped on. They arrived in seconds, their masks on and enter the hospital. People around moved as if time stopped.

Will Halstead met them at the door.

"Somone came in with a bomb, they have bomb squad in here now searching. We need help rounding up victims but be careful we don't know if the bomb is airborne or not yet".

"Alright men, let's go". Boden told his crew.
They spread out, Kelly took the hall that you were on not knowing until he came to your body. He went to pick you up but panicked when he saw your bracelet that you wore all the time, he got it for you on your birthday. It had the twins names and birth dates.

"Y/N, can you hear me? Y/N"? He carefully picked you up jogging to Will and the nurses.

"It's my sister. Are her kids here too"? He asked laying you on the stretcher.

"I'll check". Will ran off and looked through the files. He ran his hand threw his hair.

"They're supposed to be a check up, room 206". Kelly bolted off like a bat out of hell. Screaming his niece and nephews name.

"Logan! Laura! It's uncle Kelly". No sign of the twins. Kelly really started to panic. He didn't know if they were taken, hurt, or worse killed. His chest felt heavy and tears started to block his vision. He was full blown having a panic attack.

"Kelly"! He heard Joe yell, and he took off after him.

Kelly stopped in his tracks as he saw his niece and nephew huddled together crying in a corner beside the nurses desk.

"Come here". Kelly held out his arms and the twins fell into his embrace.

"Why did you leave the room"? He asked looking them over, they seemed unharmed, just shaken up.

"Mommy left and we didn't know where she went. So when we couldn't find her we went to here and no one was around then we heard screams and just stayed here and hid".

"Okay, okay. You're safe now. I found your mom shes with the doctors now. Let's get you two checked out".

Kelly picked up his neice and Joe picked up Logan as they went to go find Will.

Will checked the kids over and they were fine, you on the other hand had broken ribs, brusies, cuts and a concussion. The bomb was airborne and everyone had to be isolated and giving a antidote when of course they found out what it actually was and who caused it. Kelly never left your side or the twins.

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