A Wedding To Remember

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The day has finally came, you were marrying your soul mate. Jay was the most amazing man that you have ever met. He treated you with love, kindness and appreciation. You loved him dearly plus he was good with kids and the kids loved him too. They got along greatly and thats what made you really want to be with Jay. He cared, not just about you but about your family.

"I'm so nervous". You fixed the same spot on your dress for the millionth time.

"Don't be. I trust Jay so I know everything will go great". Your brother Kelly wrapped his arms around you giving you a hug. You were his little sister and he wanted to see you happy. Even if that meant it being with Jay. At first they didn't get along, something about being a cop and a firefighter didn't match as friends. You didn't understand but you made sure they settled whatever beef they had because you didn't want to lose both of them.

"I think I'm ready to see my future husband".

"You're literally getting married in five minutes, I think you can consider him your husband now". Kelly rolled his eyes dramatically.

"And you wondered why I asked you to be my man of honor". You laughed grabbing Kelly's arm, him leading to the outdoor ceremony.

As you walked down the stairs everyone stood up, aweing and silently crying. You smiled as your eyes set on Jay, who was the most stunning man there. He wore his police uniform and he looked very handsome.

Kelly gave you away, your shaking hand held Jay's as he kissed your lips quickly.

"You're supposed to wait til the end". The pastor said with a chuckle, making everyone laugh.

"I'm sorry, Y/N looks so beautiful. I can't stop looking at her and can't keep my hands off her".

"Save it for the honeymoon". Kelly spoke as he took his seat beside the kids.

"I'll try". Jay said with a wink.

"We gather here today to bring Jay and Y/N together for all eternity". The pastor began, you both starred into each other's eyes. You couldnt believe this was it. This was the start of a new life.

"Congratulations sis and bro. That's going to take some getting use to, Jay". Kelly started laughing.

"Um, I just wanted to say I'm happy for you both. Y/N and the kids deserve the world and I hope you give them that and if you ever hurt her I'll kill you". "Everyone has been warn and they'll help despose of the body". Kelly eyed Jay all serious then broke out into another laugh.

"Kidding. But Y/N has been dreaming of this day since we were kids. She use to dress her dolls and stuffed animals up in their best clothes every Sunday and make them watch as she got married and remarried to the same one eyed teddy bear that our father got her. She would get toilet paper and make a veil to put on her head and everything. I actually think I have pictures of this somewhere. Shes a loyal one".

"That explains why the teddy bear still sleeps with you". Jay cut in with a laugh, making you blush and hide behind his arm.

"I'll get you Kelly. Just wait til you get married. I'm bringing out the big guns". You pointed at Kelly warning him as he sat down at his table.

Will stood up next clearing his throat. "I've known Jay my whole life and he's always talked about not getting married. It wasn't for him but then one day he came to MED and asked for advice. "How do I propose"? He asked. I told him "Will you marry me"? Was the right question. He goes what if I throw up on her or shit my pants? He was seriously nervous, so I knew he was really committed to Y/N". Jay's jaw dropped as his brother continued talking. He was so embarrassed.

" She changed his whole life in a matter of a day. The first day he met her he couldn't stop talking about her. Y/N this and Y/N that. I told him I wanted to meet her but he refused cause I would embarrasse him. So now I'm doing just that. Congrats Y/N, I hope you can deal with the nervous Jay. Wait till you have kids, he'll faint and shit his pants". Will raised his glass and sat down. Jay hid his face in his hands. You hid laughter behind your hand.

"I'm going to kill him". Jay mumbled under his breath. You rubbed his back to calm him.

Now Adam wanted to speak. Bad idea.

"I'm happy for you Jay, you really found a keeper. Y/Ns great. When Jay first told me about you he was secretive, giving little hints and not telling everything. When we came back from a bust, Jay went to take a shower and after we were going out but as usual Jay was taking so long so I go in and tell him to get his ass in gear but I walked in on him sexting. Yes, he was taking pictures if his junk and sending them to Y/N. He dropped his phone and yelled at me and cussed me out but then his phone buzzed. We both went after it and well I got it so I opened it and it was you sexting back. Telling him, you were going to meet him later after you got off work. So that's how I met Y/N". He quickly sat down.

"Oh my god, I remember that day. Why didn't you tell me"? You asked Jay.

"Did you really want to know that Adam saw you naked"?

"No". You kissed his lips. "Thank you".

You stood up because it was enough of story telling and time for dancing. Grabbing Jay's hand you led him to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around you and began to sway to the music.

"I am so sorry we had to seat through that".

"Well the story about Adam seeing me naked caught me off guard but other than that I was fine". You giggled, laying your head on his chest.

"We definitely need to make new stories so on our fifty they can tell us something we forgot about".

"Got plenty of time for that, let's enjoy the story of our wedding". Jay squeezed you tightly. This was one of the best stories you had to tell the furture kids and grandkids.

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