Surprises Come In All Shapes And Sizes

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Requested by Corebore123. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting ❤

Part 2 to It should have been me.

It's been almost three months since your intervention with the station and Kelly. You seemed to be going back to normal. Getting to work on time, no more hangovers. No more all day drinking and hooking up with random guys at the bar. You thought all that was behind you but the past always has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. This time it was life changing.

The word pregnant flashed before your eyes. Over the course of a month you had been feeling not up to par and you were late. Big time late. So you figured it was the stress or going cold Turkey on the alcohol but boy were you wrong.

"How could I have let this happen? I thought I was so careful". You sighed, your head falling into your hands. Gabby rubbed your back.

"At least it isn't a disease. There's a way you can fix this".

"Abortion?  No freaking way. Shay would kill me if I did that".

"She would kill you either way. Then she'll help you".

"I just wish she was here so I can get some advice".

"Do you know who the dad is"?

"Geez, thanks Gabby for calling me a slut". You chuckled. That's not what she meant but in the mood you were in that's how you took it.


"No. It has to be one of the guys that I hooked up with at the bar. Then it could have been one of two that I hooked up with at the same time".

"You had a threesome and didn't invite me"? She gasped, with a giggle.

"That's what you took from that? Really? We need to get you out more".

"So have you told Kelly"?

"No. We're in a good place right now. This will just show him that I'm no good and that I'm loose". Kelly and you have had a couple dates since the intervention and things were going good. This would ruin it.

"Well you have to tell him some time and I'm thinking now is your chance". Gabby grabbed the pregnancy test from your hands and stuffed it in her pocket as she saw Kelly coming up to the couch. He has just gotten back from teaching fire safety to a group of kindergartners.

"Hey, Kels". Gabby said oddly and awkwardly.

"Really? That's not suspicious at all".

"Hey, what's going on"?


"I'll just leave you two alone. I got to do... something". She ran off leaving you laughing to yourself and Kelly confused.

"What was that all about"? Kelly asked taking Gabbys spot beside you.

"She really needs to get laid".

"Aah. Sorry can't help in that department.  So what's really going on"? Kelly could always see through you no matter what.

"I need to tell you something".

"You slipped up? Everyone does it".

"No. I'm sober".

"Thens what's gotten into you"?

You sat there silently.  Kelly starring at you made your palms sweaty. It's like he could see through you and was just looking at the wall.

"Y/N? What's going on"?

"I'm pregnant".

"But we haven't done anything".

"It's not yours. I wish it was but it's not. I can't say I know who the father is. There wasn't many but it's all a blur".

"I'm sorry". You felt ashamed.

"Hey, hey". Kelly pulled you into a hug and cradled you as you sobbed.

"Everything is going to work out. You're not going to go through this alone. I'm here".

"I just told you I'm pregnant with another man's child and you're going to be there"?

"I'm not leaving you all because you did something with someone that you can't remember doing. This child isn't to blame. It's just a surprise, probably from your sister. Just to get back at you for being stupid". Kelly laughed making you laugh as well.

"Probably. She did like to play games on me".

"Maybe it's her way of making you grow up and becoming the person she and you both wanted".

"I can see that. This is my wake up call".

"No more pressing the snooze button anymore".

"Thanks for reminding me". You laughed while Kelly held you. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Kelly and Gabby was going to by your side and you knew Shay was looking down on you. Hopefully she didn't give this kid her prankster side, cause you were in for it.

After talking more with Kelly, you made a doctors appointment. Kelly went with you and held your hand as you saw your unborn child on the big screen. Kelly lit up as he saw the baby.. he was excited.

You were farther along than you thought so you could find out the gender. It's a girl and kelly and you are planning on naming her Shay. Kelly wants to be there for the birth and all. He's already talking about giving her his last name since you're the only one he wants. 

Maybe you needed to hit rock bottom to see that life can actually be worth living. Even when life throws you a curve ball, you just have to go with it.

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