Put Work Before Play

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@BGNation4ever I hope you like it.

"Hey kiddo". Your dad greeted you when you walked into the fire station.

"Hey". You hugged him tightly.

"So what brings you into my neck of the woods"?

"Just stopped by to say.... I just got excepted into the police academy". You squealed.

"What? Congratulations sweetie". He hugged you again.

"That's wonderful. I'm so proud of you".

"Thanks daddy. I'm nervous".

"Don't be you're going to be great. Soon you're going to be working for Voight".

"Speaking of Hank Voight, he put in a special request that I work with him when I'm training".

"What's wrong with that"?

"I don't want people to think I'm getting special favors since you know Hank".

"Honey, you worked your ass off no one is going to say other wise or they'll get theirs kicked. You have a lot of uncles in here to back you up".

"Thanks". You smiled widely.

"Come on lets tell the guys". You followed your dad up the stairs and into the station house. Walking in you could smell the food cooking.

"Y/N, you are just in time for dinner". Peter smiled giving you a secret wink.

"Smells really good".

"So Y/N, my incredible daughter has been accepted into the police academy". Your dad told the guys. They all cheered and congrated you on the acceptance.

"That's wonderful". Peter came and hugged you.

"Thank you Peter".

"We should celebrate, grab a drink".

"Yeah that would be great".

"Wonderful". He said excitedly going back to cooking.

"Grab a seat". Kelly pulled a chair put beside him.

"Um, maybe later. I have to go see Voight before I go home".

"Okay, kiddo. You be safe". He kissed your cheek and you were off.

"So everyone knows Y/N Herrmann. Her dads a great fireman".

"Thanks". You told him.

"She's the best in her class and I want her to stay the best so she'll be working with us while in training".

"Now if you need anything just ask. We wont bite". Voight chuckled.

"Thank you really. This opportunity is amazing and I'm very grateful".

"No problem. I've seen your work with your dad if you're as good with fire then you'll have no problem solving a crime".

"So go celebrate and be here first thing Monday morning and we'll get started".

"Thank you so much". You thanked him and left going to Molly's to celebrate.

"This girl right here, help solve the worst fire in Chicago and she was only ten years old". Hermann bragged.

"I just told you what I thought". You laughed shaking your head.

"And it was right. I must have went over that building a hundred times and still couldnt find anything".

"Wow, you are going to kill this job". Peter said nudging your shoulder.

"Thanks. I'm nervous".

"Dont be. You'll do great. I'm so proud of you. I never thought I'd be a fireman dating a Chicago police officer". Peter slapped his hand over his mouth. He must have been drunk.

"Um, did I hear that right? Dating"?  Your father and his good hearing.

"Don't get mad. I wanted to keep it a secret until we were ready to tell you. I'm sorry".

"You should have told me. I wouldn't have a problem with it".

"Really"? "You got on to me for talking to the guy that lasted like three weeks on the job".

"Exactly, three weeks. I knew it wouldn't last".

"Oh dad. So you're okay with us dating"?

"Yeah but if he hurts you I know you can take care of him but I'll be there to bury the body". He eyed Peter warning him.

"Okay daddy enough". The three of you laughed.

"But you put your work before this relationship, you've worked hard and you deserve it".

"I will. Work before play". You winked at your dad. He just shook his head and went to talk to Antonio, probably telling him to watch you like a hawk.

"I guess we are in the clear".

"In the clear"? You asked.

"Yeah so I can do this". Peter leaned in and kissed your lips.

"I like that we're in the clear". You kissed him again.

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