Childish Games

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Requested by skkrut_. I hope you like it. Thanks for the request. Sorry it's so late.

"You are a sore loser, Otis". You shuffled the cards and started handing them out to Otis, Cruz and Gabby. The four of you decided to play a game of Rummy and well Otis has lost all three games and now he was pouting.

"You've had to stack the deck. You're always winning". He sat there with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown.

"How could I stack the deck when Gabby has dealt for the last two games? Tell me that"?

"You just did".

"Whatever. Is he always like this or is it when I'm around"? You asked Gabby and Cruz who both huffed.

"No he's not like this at all. It's just a game man. Chill". Cruz squeezed Otiss' shoulder.

"She cheats".

"Fine. You deal". You handed him the cards and he growled taking them.

"What has gotten into you, Otis"? Gabby wondered.

"Nothing. I just don't like someone who cheats".

You rolled your eyes and Otis handed out the cards. Looking at your cards. You saw that Otis dealt you a good hand. The urge of wanting to win made you smile but then you looked at Otis and saw he was looking a bit down. So you decided to lose and let him or someone else win.

"Sucker". Otis danced around the table.

"I think I like it better when he loses". You scoffed when Otis shook his butt in your direction.

"Me too. But hey, at least he's not crying anymore". Gabby laughed.

"I'm going to get more drinks, anyone want anything"?

"I'll help you". Otis surprisingly offered.

He followed you into the kitchen and got the tea from the refrigerator. "Do you think they want any snacks"? You asked Otis.

"What do you have"? You both went into the pantry and turned on the light. The shelves were filled with junk food. Stuff that could be grabbed in a hurry if needed.

"Chips, pretzels, candy, dip, fruit snacks. You name it we probably have it". You giggled as Otiss eyes grew wide.

"Probably some chips and dip. Jalapeno cheese dip with the plain chips. Oh and the m&ms". Otis and you grabbed at the items together. Looking into each others eyes. Possibly having a moment when the door slammed.

Otis pounded on the door. "Let us out you jerks".

"Not until you two get along". You could hear Cruz.

"We're fine. Now let us out". Otis pounded harder.

"Otis, you know why I'm doing this".

"Cruz, you open this door right now or I'll kick your ass". Otis threatened. Cruz and Gabby giggled on the other side.

"At least we wont starve". You say holding the chips in your hand as Otis turned around. Falling against the door, sliding to the ground.

"Great". Otis ran his hands through his hair. You sat down in front of him.

"They'll let us out sooner or later. Just stay calm and everything will be okay". You rubbed Otiss leg trying to soothe him.

"Yeah". Otis gazed at you not like before. Something in him changed since the game.

"Did you let me win"?

"What are you talking about"? You asked shyly.

"You did".

"I didn't".

"Right. I saw that winning look on your face and then you lost. You had to let me win".

"I felt bad. I didnt cheat at all. I was just lucky I guess".

"Or I'm a bad player. I'm sorry I accused you of cheating. I just wanted to win".

"I know. Cruz said you liked to win at things".

"Yeah but I wanted you to think I could win a game of Rummy. I never actually played it before so when you won I got discouraged".

"Discouraged? From what"? You asked confused.

"About asking you out. Didnt think you would date a guy that couldnt win a single game of cards".

"That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. You seriously think I care if you win or lose"?

"When we do things at the firehouse you always celebrate with the winners. Never a loser, like me".

"I have no clue what you are talking about, Otis. Are you jealous of the other guys"?


"Why do you think I always joke around with you or pull pranks on you the most? It's definitely not because I dont like you. I really like you. You know the saying when a girl is mean to you they like you, right? Well my mean is in childish ways". You giggled scooting to sit right beside him.

"So you like me"? He asked all giggly turning his head to face you.

"I do. Ever since I started at the station. I knew you were different from all the others. You're special".

Otis smiled leaning in towards you. You licked your lips and crashed them to Otiss'. His hand went to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. Your thumb grazed his cheek.

"I really like you too". Otis mumbled into the kiss.

Your heart was a fluttering mess. You couldnt wait to officially date Otis. It was going to be an amazing part of your life.

"Did you kill each other"? Cruz opened the door. Making you and Otis fall to the ground, laughing.

"Aw they were kissing". Gabby cooed.

"My job here is done". Cruz picked the chips up from your side and walked back to the table.

Otis pulled you into another kiss as you both laid on the floor laughing.

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