Missing Person

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Requested by BGNation4ever hope you like it. Thanks for requesting.

Warning: Kidnapping, forced drug use, assault and attempted murder twice.

Kelly checked his watch for the fifth time in the last thirty seconds. He had just gotten off shift and called you to see what your plans were for tonight after you got off work but you didn't answer. That's very odd for you to do. You always answered. So he knew something wasnt right and he headed to the police department.

"Hey Trudy, have you seen Y/N"? Kelly asked the front desk officer.

"Haven't seen her since she came in this morning around eight. Why"?

"I'm off work and I called her but she isn't picking up. Maybe the unit is out with a case".

"The unit hasn't left all day. They've been working on a case that seems to be leading them on a wild goose chase". Trudy informed him. Now he was starting to get worried.

"Can I talk to Voight about this"?

"Yeah, I'll buzz you up".

Kelly walked up the stairs and saw everyone acting normal no alarms going off that Y/N wasn't there.

"Hey Kelly, what can we do for you today"? Voight greeted.

"Y/N, haven't you seen that she's not here"? Kelly pointed to your desk.

"She went on a run for coffee".

"How long ago? She hasn't answered my calls for two hours now. I know it doesn't take that long to get coffee".

"Adam track her phone. She's probably stopping to get something else and her phone died". Voight suggested.

"This is not like my sister. She calls to say she's running late even when her phone dies. Something is wrong". Kelly followed Voight to Adams desk. He tracked your last location but after that it was gone. Like you vanished.

"See. She's nowhere on here. Something happened to her and you better find out and bring my sister home safely". Kelly yelled at Voight, storming out. Voight sighed.

"Jay, Erin go to the coffee shop and see what you can find. Adam send them the address". Voight gave out orders and he went to his office. One of his members were gone right from under his nose and no one saw or heard a thing.

Erin and Jay arrived at the coffee shop, they talked to the manager and asked about the surveillance tapes. What they saw wasn't what they wanted.

"She was taken". Erin stormed in the squad room showing pictures.

"A unknown Male grabbed her from behind as she was putting the coffee in her car and took her somewhere off camera".

"Where's her car"?

"Towed away".

"Get Adam the video see if you can find anything. You two find the car. The rest of you call hospitals. No one tells Kelly. I dont want him going on a rampage and get her killed". Voight order his team. They all kicked it into high gear.

After hours of phone calls to hospitals  around Chicago they came up empty handed. Jay and Erin found the car but nothing looked out of the ordinary. The tow truck driver said he didn't see anyone near the car when he came to pick it up. That it looked like some soccer mom's spa day went to long and she forgot the timer.

"So we have nothing"? Hank questioned his team.

"Her phone is either destroyed or dumped somewhere. I'm not getting a signal at all". Adam said looking up from his screen.

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