All Good Things Must Come To A End, Except For You

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Requested by BGNation4ever. I hope you like it. Thanks for the request.

Based off of BGNation4ever series that they have written. Go check it out if you haven't already. It's pretty good.

Warning: Drug use and overdosing.

"Station 51, fire at the children's daycare on 8th Avenue. Possible arson". The dispatcher spoke over the intercom.

Kelly, Tristan and the squad got dressed out and loaded into the trucks. Busting out of the bay like a bat out of hell heading to the daycare.

As they pulled up Tristan instantly went inside not waiting for anyone. He noticed there were children huddled in a corner of the room he was in.

"I'm here to help". He said calmly just when Kelly came in behind him. Kelly grabbed two kids and Tristan grabbed the other two and raced to get out.

"That should be it". Captain said.

"Madison, shes not here". The teacher cried as she held on a baby that was screaming.

Tristan didnt hesitate and rushed back in. "What the hell are you doing"? Kelly yelled. Tristan didnt hear him from the outside but his ear piece was working just fine. 

"I have to get her. She's just a little kid, Kelly". 

Kelly sighed, he knew Tristan was a softy but didn't know he would get hisself killed. "Fine but hurry. Please. The building it really up in flames. Cruz and Otis are trying to control it the best they can.

"Alright". Tristan went down the hall checked in every room, then he heard that little whimper making him tell Kelly to shut up so he could hear.

"Where are you"? Tristan called out. He hear louder cries and found her in fetal position under a table. He scoops her up and starts running. He noticed the ceiling in the door way was about to give out. He tried his best to get out and succeeded just when the wall clasped where he would've been standing if he was longer inside.

Kelly ran to Tristan taking the child and handing her to the paramedic. He smiled at Tristan and was proud of him.

"You did good, Tris". Kelly went to take Tristans mask off but before he could Tristan fell to the ground with a thud. Kelly panicked.

"Babe"? Kelly removed Tristans mask and saw blood coming from his mouth.

Shay and Gabby rushed over. Shay opened his jacket and saw blood coming from a puncture wound to his chest.

"Gabby you have a pulse"? Shay asked as she put pressure on the wound.

"No". That's when everything went super fast. They loaded Tristan up and zoomed to the hospital. Kelly zoned out until he was sitting in a chair listening to the monitors beep. Tristan laying in bed with a tube down his throat.

"You need anything, Kelly"? Will asked when he came to check on Tristan.

"A time machine so I can be in his place instead of him going in". Kelly wiped a tear away when it fell from the corner of his eye.

"He's going to be okay. We're managing his breathing and the pain. So keep confidence that he'll pull through".

"There's a giant tube in his chest to help him breath. That's not a good thing, Will. I'm afraid that  going to lose him". Kelly was breaking down inside but stayed strong on the out side.

"Tristan is a fighter. He'll pull through. Don't give up". Will walked over and squeezed Kelly's shoulder.

Kelly sat there just staring at Tristan, imagining what it would be like without   Tristan and it made him sick to his stomach. He ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. He cried to himself.

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